Nov 27, 2010 11:43
I meant to write about turkey day yesterday, but somehow it never happened, so I guess I'll just have to do a late report. It was a lovely day, starting with heavy snow flurries all morning. There were some of those big, fun snowflakes going by the windows. It looked more like a snow shower than flurries to me, actually, so we got the best of both worlds - the look of real snow out the window, but no slippery stuff on the road.
The bf and I had dinner with my friend Jill's family. They live kind of close to his old cabin, so I was very glad the roads were OK. Jill's mother likes to cook everything herself, so I wasn't allowed to bring anything, which was no hardship to me :) We had the traditional turkey feast, then a pool tournament (I was pleased that my play was horrible, but not really bad enough to be newsworthy) and the movie Babies, about 4 babies from very different cultures, from birth to their first step. They were all very cute, and it was fascinating to watch just how different their lives were. I had a hard time watching the baby in Namibia eat dirt (she did it quite often), and Jill's mom protested every time we saw the Mongolian baby all swaddled, but mostly we just oohed and aahed at how adorable they were.
I was a little worried ahead of time, because Jill's in-laws are VERY conservative, and bf of course is NOT, but we managed to completely avoid politics, and everyone got along just fine.