Dec 25, 2004 20:52's computer's still crashed and I just found out that we're gonna hafta reformat the hard drive, which means that everything on my computer will be lost. So all my music will be gone forever!!!! I'm so sad! Anyways, I'm at cuzzo's house using the computer for the first time in a week and I was seriously going through computer withdrawls...this is so tragic! I'm really sad, especially cuz I'm a Myspace addict. But I hope everyone's having an awesome Christmas, I'm so excited cuz I got a digital camera!!! Too bad my computer's not working or I'd put some awesome pictures up! But I gotta get going, We're about to leave...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
And for those who are politically correct: Merry ChristmaHannaKwanzica! (Even though we ALL know that Jesus IS the reason for the season!)