Positive Post Month 2008 - Jan 31

Jan 31, 2008 22:22

Here we are - the last day of Positive Post month. It has been another wonderful experience. There's something very theraputic in trying to find a positive when it seems your whole day was one big negative.

And as exciting as the big things are (such as the job news), I've found the little things often mean more. My son's hugs and kisses; my husband making my favorite dinner; learning how to do something new - everyday things that I sometimes take for granted but shouldn't.

I am going to try and continue the positive trend for the rest of the year - and longer. My posts may not always be upbeat, but I will hopefully be able to put at least one good thing - however small - in each one that I make.

Thank you for all your love and support. As the Italian proverb says, "Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro."

positive post month

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