I actually got some things accomplished today. I cleaned out a few more folders of my file cabinet. Considering I haven't cleaned it out since 2003, you know how much fun I am having with that.
I also uploaded the Billy mood theme to
billycon_online. Although no-one seems to want to write any 'keynote addresses'. If I don't get any volunteers, I'll still run the convention, but only with discussion threads, etc. It won't be as good, but maybe by the second one in August I will have a few more people.
I'm deciding what accessories I need for my new laptop. I have a backpack, but I'm thinking I might need a neoprene sleeve for cushioning. I'm also probably going to get a separate mouse for it, but it depends on how well I do with the touch pad. I won't name it until I work with it for a while and get to know it's personality.
See ya tomorrow!