Mar 27, 2012 14:11
So I was reading this online article sent to me by someone else as I normally do when it came to my attention that in Wisconsin (A state which evidently punishes single mothers) has struck another blow against women. Basically Rep. Don Pridemore (according to this article) has stated that instead of a woman divorcing her abusive husband she should try to remember the things they love about their husband and "If they can re-find those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help,"
Now, I didn't bother to look into this much more than that because I am still tired from the anti woman bill proposed in my own state of Georgia to make having miscarriages a criminal offense. But it got me to thinking. Where do women belong in society. Not ALL societies in history have treated women poorly. Some have even had them as leaders of their communities such as certain Celtic groups. But throughout western (and I guess Eastern) history women as a whole (excluding individuals such as Cleopatra, Jenne D'Arc, Elizabeth I, Murasaki Shikibu, ect) are at best seen as second class citizens and at worst seen as mere breeding tools. Modern cultures have seen women rise to a new level of almost equal in most places. However crap like this keeps popping up so.
Some people seem to think, a woman's only value is a relationship, others think, a woman should be making a career, others still think she belongs in the home.
What i want to know is where do YOU think a woman belongs in society?
Be as honest as you can please. I wont judge. If you feel the need to discuss your opinion please do.
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