Title: My Generation 4/?
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Words: 4382
Rating: PG
Warnings:NONE! This is an actual story, no perv or porn here. Just Winchester goodness. Not that there is anything wrong with porn, I love me some good porn, this just isn't it.
A/N: The start of a Weechester story about Dean and Sam and their time growing up. I posted a small part of this for a Christmas present and found that there was so much more to tell.
Prelude/Part One Part TwoPart Three Chapter Four
There was a man watching Dean.
Dean was walking through a playground and there was a man watching him.
He had been here before, to this playground hat didn't exist. It was a mixture of the one that was at his old school in Lawrence, the one that was in Selma they found during that hunt with Bobby and the one from Terminator Two where it explodes. That movie was rad. Dean had walked this playground before, sometimes he found food lying on the ground everywhere, sometimes it was cassette tapes. Other times there were kids here, kids he knew and that liked him. He would play baseball and tag with them, and he would find himself watching himself play with them, and somehow that was when he knew he was dreaming. He had been here before, and so had the man.
The man looked about dad’s age, maybe a little younger. Black hair and a narrow face he wore a crumpled brown trench coat that reminded Dean of Colombo in a way. He was standing on the other side of the fence, watching Dean. Dean had seen the man before, but he had never actually given him any thought. But here Dean was, walking the empty playground and the man was watching him. For some reason the man didn’t have a pervy feeling, didn’t give off a scary vibe. For some reason Dean felt like he knew him somehow.
As Dean walked towards the fence and the fence began to move away from him. Dean began to run towards the fence and the fence began to run away from him. Dean screamed and extended an arm out towards the fence and the fence stayed out of reach no matter how fast he ran at it. Dean called out to the man, not knowing why he had to get to him, just knowing he needed to. As the fence and the man fled to the distance, he swore he could see a pair of huge wings spread out behind the man and he vanished.
And Dean screamed for him to stay.
And then tasted floor.
Dean laid on the floor for a few seconds, fully absorbing the dull thud of the ungiving surface against his all too giving face. The dream evaporated in the daylight, leaving Dean a dull ache he had lost something he couldn’t name. The phone rang and Dean realized it had been ringing for a while. He looked over and saw Sam comatose in that little kid way, looking like he had been a victim of a hate crime the way his limbs were all twisted and spread out across the bed. Sam slept like a tornado most of the time, spinning and turning like he was trying out for the preschool Romanian gymnastics team. Dean had sported bruises all over his side when they had shared a bed years ago, making him wonder what the hell did his younger brother dream about?
The phone rang again and Dean realized he had almost fallen asleep on the floor while his mind wandered off. Getting up he padded over to the night stand between the beds and picked up the phone.
“Morning Bobby” he said trying not to sound tired.
“Morning?” Bobby’s gruff voice asked “It’s past noon you chucklehead. You and your brother alright?”
Dean looked over to Sam’s slobbering face and nodded “Yes sir, just a long night.”
“You need anything? You guys going to be ok by yourself?” he asked just like every other time John was out of reach. Bobby was like the designated hitter in baseball, when John couldn’t swing, Bobby came up to the plate for him. Every morning, because no matter what a clock said when you woke up it was morning, Bobby would call and check in with the boys, making sure they were alive, healthy and not killing each other from boredom. It was worse when they were younger, but as Dean got older, he could tell Bobby was starting to trust him more.
“Nah dad left us a new card and I got the keys Just. In. Case.” Dean explained mimicking John’s voice.
Bobby chuckled and said “Don’t even think it boy.”
“Think what?” Dean asked in the most innocent voice he possessed.
There was a silence as Bobby shook his head and said “Ok, your funeral. Just checking in, both Jim and I checking the other areas for that thing, I won’t be back in for another two days, so I wanna make sure now you boys are ok casue we are gonna be out of reach.”
Dean rolled his eyes “We’re fine Bobby, we aren’t babies.”
Bobby’s voice got a little stern “Didn’t say you were Dean, but you are still a kid. And kids get in trouble.”
“I don’t get in trouble.” Dean said defiantly.
“Sell that on the other side of the street kiddo.” Bobby said before sighing “Just watch out for your brother and we’ll be back in two days. Can you handle it for two days?”
“Yes sir.” Dean said trying not to sound offended.
“Ok, well leave that car alone or your dad will kill ya.” he said as he hung up.
Dean made a hissing sound into the phone “Breaking up Bobby, what was..” and he hung up the phone. He laughed to himself as he patted himself on the back for being so damn clever. Grown ups were so gullible.
Realizing he was awake and bored, he looked over to Sam’s sleeping form and smiled as he thought of Winchester Code 41: He who sleeps in is fair game. He walked into the bathroom and began to prepare.
John hated the car.
It was boxy, it was cramped and it had a CD player which was useless since John didn’t even know what a CD was. It was plastic, it was shiny and it was everything his car wasn’t. But he had gotten the extra insurance on it so he was going to drive it into the ground. Once he had made it outside of town he had followed the road until it turned off to a trail. The trail became a path and the path became nothing. As the car went off road and he felt his kidneys begin to liquefy from the shocks, he was once again glad he didn’t bring the Impala.
This thing had been all over the area. Reports of disappearances, mutilations and a dozen other signs that something no so nice was hunting the area. The three of them had maneuvered it back to that area, but now that it took off, it could have gone in any direction. But it had haunts, and the hunters had decided to check them out. That thing was going to go back to one of them, and when it did, it would find a hunter waiting for it. John tried to think of the hunt as he continued driving but his mind was with his kids. And the fact Sammy wasn't going to make a hunter.
And John wasn't sure what that meant for his family.
The search had been called off on account of school.
They had walked around the town, looking in all the familiar haunts that Charlie might have gone off to for whatever reason. Though the concept of Charlie running away from home to spend the night behind the bowling alley just didn’t compute to the gang. Charlie was the biggest wimp of them all, including Tubbs. And to miss a night in his warm and cozy bed meant he had met the owner of Nintendo or something bad had happened.
They were really hoping he had met the owner of Nintendo.
By third period the whole school was talking about it. Bart had held court during lunch dispensing the information on the search like he was his father’s press agent. Adam and the gang watched the group of students listen to the jock enraptured, like it was an episode of a bad TV show instead of a real person missing. Adam looked away before he got any madder, he found his sister’s eyes staring back at him.
“What?” he asked with a little more emotion than he intended.
“It’s not your fault.” she said as if she was spouting Jedi wisdom or some crap.
He knew it wasn’t his fault, but didn’t mean he could stop feeling that way. “He always goes home after school.” he said again. Adam had walked them through Charlie’s virtual route home almost four times now, each time had came up blank.
“No he goes by Lou’s and then home.” Tubbs said between bites. Tubbs was the only person they knew who not only ate the school lunch, but enjoyed it. Adam had once wondered if they switched the food out with plastic replicas he would notice.
Amanda said she wouldn’t take that bet.
Adam looked over to Tubbs with unveiled shock “You knew that?”
Tubbs nodded without looking up “He always does, goes and drools over the Gameboy.” Realizing that both siblings were looking at him he paused mid bite and looked up. “What?”
“Tubbs” Amanda said in the calmest tone she could muster “Why didn’t you say something this morning when we were walking around?”
Tubbs sat there stunned with a load of fries hanging out of his mouth “I thought you knew.”
She continued to glare at him for several seconds until he swallowed the fries whole.
“If we were in a real city they might have those new cameras on the traffic lights I read about.” Adam wished a lot they were in a real city, any real city. He once said Nowhere was like some little town out of a Tom Sawyer novel, full of ignorant people doing absolutely nothing. Amanda said she thought it more like a Stephen King book, with the whole town being filled with monsters that were unexplainable.
He had to admit her description fit better.
“We may not have traffic light cameras” Amanda said thinking “But we have something those big cities don’t.”
“Cow that wander the street?” Tubbs suggested.
“Lou!” she said brightly.
“Same thing” he muttered under his breath.
Dean’s views on practical jokes were simple.
The messier the better.
Sam’s views were equally as simple.
He hated them.
The Great Joke War of 89 was a war for the ages to the brothers. A massive campaign fought over several states that ended up with Dean having to buy a new pair of shoes and Sammy had to have what was left of his hair cut off so he could walk out in public. John had decreed no more. Actually he had declared you two idiot retards knock it off before he found a ditch big enough to dump their bodies in and leave them there. A peace had been declared, an uneasy peace at best.
There were skirmishes when John wasn’t around. Sam had taken Dean’s Out of The Cellar tape and replaced the actual tape with Bananarama and then placed it back with the other tapes. He had almost forgotten it when one night in the back seat Dean let loose a scream from under his walkman like he was being burned alive. In response Dean had gone out and bought some Mint chocolate chip, Sammy’s favorite, and laced it liberally with Exlax and left it in the freezer. Was hilarious for almost a week as Sam would eat and then run to the bathroom in stark fear, never guessing the ice cream was the culprit. Would have been perfect if John hadn’t came home from a hunt a few days early and decided for a late night snack while the boys slept.
He spanked both of them for good measure.
The war was always there, just simmering under the surface. Waiting, plotting, hiding. Dean walked back into the room and saw Sam still dead to the world, just asking for it in Dean’s mind. He had found the bucket in the bathroom, housekeeping must have left it when mopping the floor. The ice he found at the end of the hall, he found a full bucket with water was heavy. As he crept towards Sam he struggled to lift the bucket over his head, he wanted the ice water to fall down over Sammy’s body like it was a waterfall of icey cold agony. The water sloshed around the rim of the bucket as Dean snuck up on Sam, drops fell on Dean’s head which made him snicker even harder. As he got to the edge of the bed he looked down in anticipation…
And saw Sam looking up at him with a smile.
Sam’s small but powerful foot lashed out in a blur. Dean felt the breath leave his chest as he coughed and stumbled back on his heels. The bucket was quick to follow. The howl that came from Dean’s mouth made Sam bust out laughing as his big brother was doused in freezing cold water from head to toe. Dean looked completely miserable as Sam grinned and made a mad dash to the bathroom.
“Called it!” Sam said as he slammed the door and locked it. Invoking Winchester Code 3: Whoever calls the bathroom first gets it. A code when traveling with two boys and one bathroom is necessary. Dean looked at the bathroom door and wished for heat vision as he began to pull off his soaking clothes.
Stupid little brother.
They skipped 5th period and headed to Lou’s Livestock and Electronic Store, Amanda being the lookout in case of Enis the truancy officer was around. Odds were he was out with the other six members of the law enforcement community searching Nowhere in all the wrong places for Charlie. When the coast looked clear they made their way across the street to Lou’s.
“I don’t get it, why would Lou know anything?” Tubbs asked as he gunned his chair to keep up with them.
“Don’t wanna talk to Lou.” Amanda said running up to the front window display of the shop. Adam joined her and saw six Adam’s looking back at him in curiosity. Lou had a video camera set up with a variety of TV’s displaying the video feed. “I wanna talk to that!” she said pointing to the box under the largest TV.
It was a VCR, and its record light was on.
Sam walked out of the bathroom like a sheik. Towel wrapped around his head, one around his waist. His chest was bruised and discolored from the previous day’s activities but his smile went ear to ear. “All yours.” he said moving by Dean, daring him to complain. Dean saw the huge cloud of steam coming from the bathroom and he knew, he just knew.
There was no hot water.
Perfectly fair according to the Code, there was nothing saying you had to leave hot water for the other guy, just who called it got it. Dean glowered as he knew there went his shower for the day. He had shrugged on the last set of clean clothes he possessed, which he had hoped would last till the end of the week.
Dean threw his hands over his eyes as Sammy walked by “Ahh! Albino retard walking!” he screamed as Sammy made a face at him.
“Whatever” he said as he searched through his bag for whatever he had clean left. He stuck his hand in and heard the slosh. He looked down and found his duffel bag filled with water and his clothes floating in it. If looked could kill Dean would be dead on the floor, instead he was rolling on the carpet holding his sides as he watched his brother work out the math. The only clothes he had left were the disgusting ones he had just taken off and were soaked from all the water Sam usually spilled on the floor while taking a shower, meaning all he had was a pair of towels and Dean’s mercy.
Which left him with a pair of towels.
“You’re a jerk!” he shouted.
“You’re an albino bitch!” Dean shot back still laughing. Sammy was always covered up, so he didn’t even have the farmer’s tan Dean possessed, his skin was pale as sin and with his wet dark hair, he looked like a drowned goth.
“What am I supposed to wear?” Sam said, bordering on a whine.
“I got a bag for your face.” Dean offered getting off the floor.
“Shut up!” Sam yelled, his face turning red.
Dean wagged a finger in Sam’s face “You might want to be nicer to me.” he said with a lordly smile.
“Not likely!” Sam said with his hands on his side.
“Oh you will.”, Dean said walking over to the table with his pie.
“Why would I?” he said grabbing the towel as it began to slip.
Dean stuck a finger in the pie and sucked his finger. Taking it out he looked at Sammy “Cause it’s your turn to do laundry.”
And Sam’s face went from red to pale white in no time flat.
No one liked laundry. No one. Dean had been saddled with laundry duty for forever, until Sam was old enough to figure the machine out himself. Now, the laundry schedule was a gospel that was not upset. By asking the other one to do your turn, you were just asking to be fleeced in return since no one wanted the job. Handling the other guys dirty underwear was just not worth it. You had to make it worth the other ones while. And he knew Dean, that jerk would make him go to the laundry mat in the stupid towel before he’d help him out.
The thought of doing laundry in a towel in the middle of a strange town made Sammy’s stomach drop.
“Dean!” Sam started, no longer trying to hide the whine.
“No” Dean said sitting down and starting into the pie.
“DEAN!” he said, more whine that actual words.
“Can’t hear you!” Dean said stuffing his mouth with the entire slice.
Sighing like a man condemned Sam’s shoulders slumped and head dropped “What do you want?”
Dean looked up and smiled a grin that was pure evil.
“Let’s talk about it.” Dean said, sounding like the devil himself.
The plan was simple.
They knew Lou was a paranoid bastard. He had cameras all through the store including the ones at the window that all fed back to the same system. The VCR. Lou had long ago reasoned if some drunk jackass was going to break his window and steal something, he would have them on tape. Of course everyone in town knew about the cameras, which pretty much nullified their effectiveness, but no one had told Lou to save his feelings. So the cameras rolled, and the VCR taped.
If nothing happened, Lou would let the VCR rewind itself and record over the previous day again. If something did happen he pulled the tape and put in a new one. Since no one had connected Charlie with Lou’s, the tape had been rewound and was starting over. Amanda had figured that the tape had been on since 10 when he opened, it was now almost two. Charlie would have been here yesterday after three, which meant they needed to get that tape out before it taped over Charlie’s actions yesterday.
Even Tubbs admitted it was a good idea.
So Tubbs, being a known blow hard that had money, would roll in and distract Lou. Lou, being the kiss up everyone knew he was, would cater to Tubbs like he was the goose who laid the golden whatever. Egg offered Amanda. Adam would look over by the pants, which were by the window, while Amanda went in the window display and grabbed the tape. If Tubbs couldn’t keep Lou occupied, Adam would let Amanda know. If everything worked out, they would be in and out in less than five minutes.
Amanda reminded Adam this wasn’t A-Team and Lou wasn’t an evil mob boss.
They made their checks, went over the plan again, and then deployed. Walk across the street and into the store, Amanda corrected.
“Deploy!” Adam said.
Amanda rolled her eyes “Stupid older brothers.”
The deal was harsh.
Shotgun forever. Cereal choice for a year. Dishes for two months. Cool bed next three hunts. And Sammy couldn’t use any ‘Jerk’ this entire trip. Dean wanted more but Sammy was about ready to go out in the towel.
“Ok ok. Hold your horses you tiny little albino, we have a deal?” Dean stuck out his hand to shake on it. Sam eyed it like it was a snake. Dean pushed the hand out again “Come on, shake on it.” Sam slowly held out his hand to grab Dean’s.
Dean’s went out to grab the towel.
Sammy shrieked as he covered his privates as Dean tossed the towel into the soaking bag and doused it. Dean grabbed his clothes along with Sammy’s and proclaimed “Have fun streaking bitch boy!” and headed out towards the door.
Sam’s mouth began to open and Dean spun and dared him to say Jerk.
Sam sat there, one hand on his privates and one on his mouth as he slammed a hand over his mouth to stop himself.
Dean shook his head and said with a smile “That hand was on your nards. You’re gay.”
He walked out and slammed the door, leaving Sammy slightly nauseated.
Lou’s face brightened as Tubbs rolled in.
As far as Lou was concerned the fat kid in the chair was a walking gold mine. As a child he had suffered a horrible accident that left everything below his knees completely useless. As far as Lou was concerned the kid was completely useless from head to toe, but he had bucks. His parents weren’t any richer than the rest of the town, just felt more guilt at the plight of their child. So they gave him everything he wanted. If Tubbs decided he wanted anything in the store, it was a foregone conclusion that his parents would buy it for him right away. So putting his normal ‘Screw off kids’ way of customer service aside he adopted a “Kiss up to the cripple who has money” way of thinking.
“Tubbs!” Lou said holing out his arms as if to hug someone “How are you today my friend?”
“My name is Lawrence and I am not your friend Lou.” The youth said purposely running over Lou’s toe with his chair. Though he loathed the name Lawrence, he hated adults calling him Tubbs even more.
Lou bit his bottom lip from screaming as his toes sang an opera of pain and suffering from the total tonnage that had just passed over them. Lou was in so much pain he didn’t even notice Adam and Amanda sneak in the door and towards the window.
“My modem is getting kind of slow Lou, I need more speed!” Tubbs said ‘accidentally’ slamming his chair into the counter hard. Dozens of half naked hula dolls began to quiver as Lou helped Tubbs back his chair out of the display. “Frighteningly slippery floor here Lou, I could hurt myself and then where would you be?” He was calling out as Lou struggled to pull Tubb’s chair back. The task would have been a ton easier of the brakes weren’t already applied.
“Go” Adam whispered to Amanda as he watched the scene like a hawk.
Amanda slipped behind the display and crept up past the TV’s. She clamped her hand over her mouth as the dust all around her threatened to make her sneeze. Didn’t that jackass ever clean back here? She reached over and ejected the tape, all the time hearing Tubbs and Lou squawking at each other. She reached for the tape like it was a golden idol and she had snuck past the cannibalistic savage lardass who protected it.
When she looked up and saw the guy from the diner looking at him.
He was holding two hands of dirty laundry in his hand and was watching her with a huge grin on his face. If he didn’t look like such a perv she would have thought he was cute. Instead he was watching her like she was giving a private dance for him or something. She scowled at him and waved him off with is hand.
He smiled wider and nodded his head in hello.
She shooed him away from the window again he his smile just got wider and wider, no matter what she did made him think it was a come on. She scowled even deeper and tried to mouth for him to get lost.
He mouthed back a question, ‘I’m hot?”
She shook her head no and mouthed even slower ‘Get. Lost’
He smiled and nodded pointing at her, ‘You’re hot!’
She put her head on the glass and sighed. She heard him tap on the glass lightly. She looked up, expecting him to be panting on the glass like a dog, instead he was pointing behind her. She turned around to see Lou glaring at her, holding Adam’s shirt with one hand.
“Balls” Amanda said under her breath.
The wheels fell off the wagon pretty early.
Tubbs had Lou completely distracted and Adam watched Lou like a hawk.
It was Paul, Lou’s clerk that screwed the pooch.
Noticing Adam standing by the pants, not buying pants, Paul walked over to tell the kid to leave. But half way there he saw something move in the window, ignoring the boy he moved towards the window, and saw a girl in there waving at some boy. In the orderly world of Paul and the small shop he worked in, this was chaos. Chaos I tell you. He ran over to Lou and whispered quickly in his ear. Lou, being no fool looked to Tubbs, to Adam, to the window and back to Tubbs. He glared at the girth impaired boy and Tubbs just kinda stuttered and said “I don’t know them.”
That was when Lou knew he had been had.
Charging towards Adam like a bull, the boy froze as he saw his whole life flash before his eyes. It was a pathetic excuse for a life and Adam couldn’t help but be a little depressed when it was over. Lou grabbed the boy by his shirt and pulled him towards the window where Amanda was kneeling there, while a boy on the other side was tapping on it to her. She turned around and saw Lou glaring at her.
“Get out of there right now!” he growled, sounding like a grizzly bear that was turned into a human being.
Amanda started shuffling towards the man slowly, the tape was just sitting there, waiting for her to grab it. No way she could do it while Lou the beached whale was watching. She was busted and Charlie was hosed, appealing to Lou’s sense of decency was like counting on the ground’s mercy when falling from a great height. Might make you feel better on the way down, but you knew the truth at the end. Her mind raced as she thought a way to grab the tape…
When the door burst open and someone started bellowing “Service! Service I say!!” at the top of their lungs.
Amanda saw Lou’s head jerk to the door, sure that this was just another part of these kid’s plan to do something to his shop in some way. Since he hated kids, it couldn’t be good. Amanda saw him turn his head and grabbed the tape in a flash. She slipped it in her waist behind her shirt and got out of the display. She saw the creep kid from outside making a scene in the middle of the store.
“Service! I said I wanted service!” he said banging his fist on the counter. He was looking around the shop in an exaggerated pantomime of looking, making sure never to peer over towards the window.
“What the hell are you going on about?”
The kid spun around as if he had no idea Lou was there, still holding Adam in one hand. “You sir, are you the owner of this establishment?”
Slowly, as if digesting each word for a trap “I am.”
“And do you sell electronics and farm supplies like the sign outside says?”
Again even slower “I do.”
The kid smiled “Excellent, I am looking for a computer of some kind, the most expensive one you have.”
Lou’s eyebrow raised up slightly. The words most and expensive used in the same sentence was a turn on to the shop owner. “I got one, but it’s over a grand kid. You have that?”
The kid’s face never wavered Amanda noticed, if he was scared or worried, there was nothing to indicate it in his body language. With a devilish smile he said “No. No I don’t.” and then reached into his pocket and pulled out a credit card “But I do have this.”
Lou’s eyes shone with greed and his hand slipped away from Adam’s shirt out of reflex.
Adam and Amanda knew when it was time to run.
“Move it Tubbs!” Adam screamed as they made a beeline to the door. Lou, being of a girth that made pursuit impossible, watched as the two kids ran and Tubbs wheeled towards the door.
“Paul get em!” he bellowed as his assistant followed like a rabid dog.
Rabid dogs Dean could handle.
In a move that was pure poetry, Dean moved forward and intersected Paul’s path completely. The clerk had no time to dodge and found himself going end over end, tangled with the kid. Lou screamed as the kids raced out of his store, letting loose a string of profanities that would have made a sailor blush.
Dean crawled out from under Paul, who had suffered the worst of the fall, because that was exactly what Dean wanted him to do. Patting himself down he said “I can see you’re busy committing crimes against little kids. I will take my business elsewhere.”
He began to walk out of the shop and Lou half jogged more jiggled to the door and put his hand on Dean’s shoulder “Hold it kid.”
Which was all Lou could recall.
There was a flash of movement and he felt the kid slip out of his grasp and his vision exploded with light as he fell backwards to the floor. By the time he had recovered his wits, the boy was gone. He laid there staring up at the ceiling for a moment, “How did those stains get up there?”
Amanda and Adam ran as Tubbs kept up best as he could. They heard a terrible thud and seconds later the boy ran out, picked up his laundry and ran the other way. Perv or not, Amanda had to admit, the boy had style.
They took off to Tubb’s house, where they could go over the tape in relative peace. And maybe find a lead on Charlie.