Opening up yet another chapter in the adventurous, impredictable book that is Melzer's life.

Sep 07, 2010 00:15

Chapter "Round of 16, US Open: Melzer encounters Federer"

Well, to give it away right from the start, spoiler alert, I don't think there is going to be a happy ending in this one. However. I LIKE to be refuted! And I do believe (if all things fall into place and Melzer has an exceptionally good serve and touch of ball and plays unaffected and with ice-cold nerves, well, THEN and ONLY then he might take a set from Fed, or, if his resurrected little self gets help from all the collective sighs and woes of his fans in front of the telly) he might beat him. On the fifth set, then again, it's Melzer, afterall. ...He MIGHT.

Melzer: fly as fuck!

So before it's being opened, this mood-swingy, incongruent chapter of yet another eventful day in the life of Melzer, I thought I'd post a few gems from the commies in an Austrian forum on Melzer. Courtesy Der Standard.

Oh wait, I'd been meaning to start off with a wonderful quote by Andrea Petkovic, a pretty cool and equally talented young player from Germany, born in Kosovo. She advanced to the round of 16 as well! Having been on the tour for a while and blogging about her, um, charming sometimes befuddling experiences, when can call her an expert on all things tennis. Especially on a situation that generally leads to endless speculations, long threads on various tennisforums worldwide - however, due to its nature, its obfuscurity lends itself to enhancing our imagination ad infinitum. Of course, I am speaking of the locker room situation. Another one we already covered here could be the office situation. Usually very little information on it is to be had -- resulting in flaming excesses of our imaginative faculties, endless speculations and sometimes elaborate scenarios as laid out for us in fanfics.

I am glad Petkovic is clarifying things for us here, in a way. Here is what she, expert on all things locker room and beyond, had to say about that particular space where the REAL drama and sweat is happening bar the clothes.

Petkovic: "And insider information: I hear from a reliable source that the men in the men's locker rooms walk around naked all day. We don't do that, but I guess some of you would pay millions to catch a glimpse."

Millions? Some of us? I am sorry for her poor judgement on this detail -- as for the other information: I TOTES buy it!!!

Coming back to Melzer. If (that is IF capitalized) he would make to the seimifinals at this years US Open, he'd be one lucky guy, for he'd crack the top ten. But he won't. Federer is a too big of an obstacle on his ascent. Allow me a slight disgression: So are they now jumpin and frolickin' around nekkidassnekkid in the locker pre game?????? Like with NOOOO towelies to cover their exquisite derrieres?

Back to my post now. *drags herself away from that towel-less mess* So basically all Austrians (which is not many) were getting somewhat excited about their fellow countryman making it into the round of 16 - of course basically none of them thinks he's going to win or even steal a set from Federer, good pathological killjoys, pessimists and notorious grousers they, expectedly, proove themselves to be. Still, they are getting excited and express their dark thoughts in writing on various forums. Here is an amusing selection - the highlights of their lowlights, so to speak.

Top spin
06.09.2010 20:06
mmer wenn er ein wichtiges spiel hat hab ich am selben tag prüfung.
melzer, dir soviel erfolg wir mir :p

06.09.2010 20:35
Ich hoffe, Sie hatten bisweilen dann noch mehr Erfolg als er, aber ich gönne es Euch beiden natürlich sehr.

reza red
05.09.2010 20:11
er ist immer noch ein loser

El Bulli
06.09.2010 16:44
und du wirst immer ein koffer bleiben!

06.09.2010 09:40
ein offentsichtlicher troll. schon richtig fett geworden? (dont feed the trolls!)

The Wizard of Oz
06.09.2010 00:44
Jo wui ! Jemanden, der fast zu den TOP 10 Tennisspielern unserer Zeit zaehlt, als 'Loser' zu bezeichnen is heftig. Frag mich, wie hoch die Erwartungshaltung gegenueber deinen Zielen/Trauemen ist ... aber wahrscheinlich is in dem Department nix los, oder ?

05.09.2010 21:52
wieso spricht er von sich in der dritten person?

05.09.2010 21:42

05.09.2010 21:39
Menschen, die Urteilssystem über Menschen so grobmaschig ist, dass sie diese nur unter die Kategorien "Gewinner" und "Verlierer" einordnen können, sind Schwachmatiker.

kurt haenel
05.09.2010 20:53
@ reza red
und Sie sind halt immer noch ein Ei.
Rache eines unglücklichen Nobody's in seinem stillen Kämmerlein ?
Was können Sie denn ?

reza red
06.09.2010 10:12
ich kann furzen und gleichzeitig fernschauen und bier trinken.

Captain Smoker
05.09.2010 16:47
Meine Meinung ist, er hat nur eine Chance wenn er es schafft den ersten Satz zu gewinnen. Natürlich ist die Chance auch dann noch sehr klein.

05.09.2010 20:18
Ich find' den letzten Satz viel entscheidender.

Inschenör Augustin
06.09.2010 01:30
Einfach den letzten Punkt des Matches machen, alles andere ist primär.

05.09.2010 13:27
Die Hoffnung scheint hier jene anzutreiben die schreiben Melzer hätte durchaus Chancen gegen Federer. Tatsache ist; Melzer wird niemals Federer schlagen. NIEMALS

06.09.2010 10:40
Was glauben Sie, wieviele Menschen behauptet hatten, Rapid würde nieeeee im Leben den selben Premiere League Club zwei mal hintereinander aus dem Europacup bugsieren? Hätten Sie gedacht, dass Frankreich daheim trotz Krise gegen Weissrussland verliert oder dass Portugal daheim gegen Zypern nur 4:4 spielt. Behaupten Sie im Sport NIEMALS, dies oder jenes würde NIEMALS geschehen! Als ich vor 3-4 Jahren schon Melzer als künftigen Top 20 Spieler sah, meinte man auch, das würde NIEMALS geschehen. Da kann ich heute nur drüber lachen.

Cogito Ergo Dumm
05.09.2010 15:21
So, wie auch die Färöer Österreich im Fußball NIEMALS schlagen konnten!

And here is what Melzer, the man imself had to say about his rather surprising win in three straight sets over Ferrero, who had a case of the oldz and loosing his magic touch on the ball.

Es war ja manches in meinem Spiel schon davor nicht schlecht, und auf diese positiven Seiten habe ich mich konzentriert, das Negative kurz einmal ausgeblendet.

It's the subclause that gets me loling: "kurz einmal ausgeblendet" For if he is able to blank out the negative (he can't be a true Austrian , afterall) - why not tonite as well? Then it might work. It might...

Last Melzerism, a slightly schizophrenic one:
Was ich gestern gegen Ferrero gespielt habe, war insgesamt so gut, dass ich mir die morgige Partie gegen Federer mit dieser Leistung schon anschauen würde.
Rest assured, I will. My alarm clock is set for your nite session :)


This, er, design, is pretty douchey of Federer. NYC Skyline? In pale-baby blue?

Melzer agrees:)

And this is how the chapter really got
THIS time Melzer really had used up all his luck in the previous games before, especially the five-setters - Federer got lucky with two silly unfortunate netcords that took away Melzer's breakchance...

Rd. 16 Match/US Open

S Fed
40:0 return sucked
1-0 Fed

S Mel
15:15 ball verspringt Melz
30:15 gutes service
30:30 leichter fehler beim cross ball
40:30 1st longer ralley
1:1 backhand mistake Fed

S Fed
15:0 Ball verzogen
Ace 30:0
40:0 great serve
2:1 Fed (two serves to love)

S Melz
0:15wagt nicht auf die linie zu spielen - fed rächt sich
0:40 forehand mstk
15:40 more aggressiv
30:40 -stop by melz - fed gets it - but not his second
Deuce Melz am Netz!
Ad (gute Aufschlag)
Deuce Fed am netz - Melzer does not play longline -but cross instead - mistake
Break chance Fed
BREAK Fed (with a long return)

S Fed
40:0 too imprecise -- no length in his shots, backhand mistakes..
1:4 Fed

S Melz
30:15 -- too long

S Fed
0:15 nice return infront of fed's feet
15:30 nett! Pressures him
15:40 Breakchance
nasty serve nach aussen 30:40
BREAK Melz!!! Coool - good return... 3:4

S Melz
15:15 volley
double fault 15:40
geht ans netz -- spielt ihm 2x vor die füsse --
Re-Break Fed 5:3

S Fed
15:15 (Chal Melz -in)
30:15 drop attempt -- did not work
40:30 M trifft reurn nicht
SET Federer // 27 min

2nd SET----
0:15 --awesome drop shot by fed/top spin on M body
40:15 cros court rally - F missed llshot - net
1-0 Melz
4 winners v 13 winners from fed

S Fed
15:30 Melz!!! xcross peitsche auf die lnie
15:40 break chance Melz -- kurzer return - F verz
30:40 Break chance M!!nice rally M in charge --llshot a little too long
40:40 -- powerful serve
Ad Fed
Deuce (misses the line)
Ad Fed -- lob attempt -- badly
Slice winner --- Game Fed

S Melz
15:0 drop shot - fed in the net
30:0 very good - powerful llshot
30:15 scharf auf die seitenlinie
40:30 geiler stop!
40:40 -verzieht
Ad Melz second drop shot!! He is mining Fed turf!!!
Deuce forehand mistake
Ad Melz
2-1 Melzer

S Fed
15:15 great return
ace 30:15
30:30 great return -early
Game Fed 2:2

S Melz
15:0 - um die poles herum. nice!
40:15 - verzieht sicheren ll
doublfe fault 40:30
Game Melz (lob by M -finally a good one) no nutmeg

S Fed
15:15 early hitting
15:40 -net roller fuck

S Melz
30:15 forehand peitsche F
40:15 lob attempt F out
40:30 M mishit the ball -f answers on the sideline
4:3 Game Melz! NIce Fed complains but does not chal

S Fed
40:0 stop ball/Melz runs across in his field :)
Game Fed 4-4

S Melz
15:0 mistake by fed -net
Ace 30:15
40:15 mit viel spinn auge
Game Melz 5:4

S fed
30:0 (bad return
40:0 Ace
5-5 Game Fed --that was quick m stood no chance

S Melz
15:15 slice fed
15:30 too long.. M a bit frustrated
30:30 serve & volley (7/8 succesful so far)
6-5 Melz (mist fed backhand!)

S Fed
40:15 Fed speed sthings up

1 -0 Fed misses / m s
2-1 net roller --shitty
2:2 (stop attempt f --m hat ihn) m s
3:2 offensive play! nice angles ms
3:3 (tried to hit early his 2nd serve)
4:3 hard serve
4:4 ms
4:5 net roller fed shittty!!!! FUCK
6:4 Stazball...
7-6 Federer // 1.21h cause of TWO net rollers

3rd SET--------

S Fed
15:30 nice return cross
15:40 anger shot by Mlez ;)
BREAK Melzer!!!!

S Melz
0:15 F smash grundlinie
0:30 ja das gibt's doch nicht -- duselball f Fed
0:40 --extreme top spin F
Re-break GAME Fed (stop was too long by melz..)

S Fed
30:0 kick serve
double fault 30:15
30:30 geiler return in die ecke!!
40:30 -bad return b m
Game Fed 2:1

S Melz
40:15 double fault
40:30 UE Melz
2:2 Game Melz

S Fed
0:15 nice return
0:30 infront of his feet return! nice
15:40 Break chance!!! Melz
Deuce (starker aufschlag)
Ad Melz! Aggressive Melz
Ad Melz
Deuce -- schlechter A Fed --forehand mistake
Ad Fed
Deuce !!! Volley!!! Angriff mit slice eingel
Ad fed Ace
2-3 Game Fed / Ace

S Melz
30:15 --stop attempt --too late
40:15 powerful serve and cros
40:30 - easy return smash
Deuce UE Melzer
AD fed -- starts a chase -top spinn
BREAK Fed -- shitty stop shot...
2-4 (M NINE Break chances so far)

S fed
0:30 UE Fed
30:30 verzogen
30:40 Break chance Melz!!!!!
Deuce (strong serve Fed)
Ad Melz
Deuce UE forehand mist
Ad Melz UE Fed
Deuce netzkante hängen
Ad fed Ace
Game Fed 5-2

S Melz
15:15 backhand mistake
Deuce nasty stop by fed
Ad Melz
Game Melz! Was der fed wieder rauskratzt!!

S fed
15:0 -nice rally - forehand mistake
40:0 MATCHBALL fed
2 h match
break chances Melz 12/2 v Fed 8/4 Uuuurrgh. Melzer needs to convert more of these. Then he'd be able to win. For his tennis is good enough to crack the top ten players!!!is how it went down, in case you want to read my notes. (WOW, a cut within a cut! So Russian-doll-like!)

Melzer can't seem to get enough of loosing against Über-player Federer, master of all chocolaty balls: „Ich würde am liebsten gleich morgen wieder gegen ihn spielen", erklärt er. „Ich bin richtig enttäuscht, im zweiten Satz hatte ich viel Pech, das war ärgerlich." (Source
Some pictorial evidence of that loss. First the illustreous guests (coming to see MELZER, duh!)

Well, if Mr. Supersleazy is present, things are bound for a crash anyway...

Alright, Gwen was there too...

Nice focus! Keep sticking that tongue in the other direction as your shot goes!!!


Alternating with some more great shots...

Some more frustration (possibly after that one shitty drop shot attempt) - maybe already reching desperation?

More good hitting...

But then again frustration/anger kicked in...

If you need an image to explain the philosophical school of stoicism, here it is! Jokke!

And along came the moment where Kafka (why?) intervened and send in a bug (Gregor Samsa?). Melzer made sure it got picked up gently and put into Federer's undies by the ballboys ...

last night.

jürgen melzer stands no chance - and mak, austrians, chocalate balls, winey, Jürgen Melzer, suisse version of a douchebag, roger federer, teary-eyed, schizophrenia, round of 16

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