Sooooo --- we took our bikes along and drove to Delmenhorst today! Well, tbh, we took the train first to Verden. To then enjoy a pleasant ride along Aller and Weser. To eventually see that friendly against those Spaniards in Deppenhorst
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Yet, the warning came right after my post, so I took it as targeted at my post (whatelese would you do?) and it was explained to me that my comments were not strictly Frings enough for your LJ, that people had been complaining of the overall comments lately, their off-topicness and irony. I took it as saying what it was meant to say, I guess, they don't blend in. I am probably not fangirlish enough or not respectful enough of other fandoms (the Bayern Munich/RibberyLJ'ers). And to not cause any more troubles with anonymous (at least to me) users who apparently have been complaining majorly to you guys, I opted out. I wish they would have had the guts to tell me what they don't like via PM. Or you also could have dropped me a line and reminding me of that.
And one last remark, I don't think my language in that post, scumming Ribbery, - in the light of events - was totally off. I know scum is not such a nice word to use, but overall I do think it was fitting. I changed it nevertheless, since it - among other things - became the bone of contention.
Apart from that, I felt this weird warning thing and what it entails would simply censor my posts - I don't know what is Frings enough(?) and what makes it slightly off topic I mean I referencing Fritz or Ribbery is simply bringing in side kicks or allowing for a disgression from the monofocus Frings -- and he does have friends/enemies and relations too, right???
Frings, in a way, is good for many associations --- Btw, I had already lined up the Frings (f)ugly shirts competition post - yet again, after all that hassle, I felt unsure if people would object. So feeling not at ease with my posts I figured I keep to my own site. It is simply no fun anymore to post on yours, at least, as long as I feel not welcome there. And as long as this dilemma persists. I hate do ponder on my posts - for they are spontaneous and eruptive and not much considered in any pc light. I think people got to live in the real world (for the most part ;)) and realize not everyone likes Ribery or whomever for that matter - deal with that. And it's not like I was spreading hate, seriously, that would be another level. I don't think I've doe that.
Y'know, Perhaps most people there are very young and simply do not understand irony and sarcasm. And as you said they simply do not have the guts to express their disagreement in a more, let's say, direct and rational way. They are over sensitive and that's all. Which kind of surprised me, because as a Brazilian I would expect a more "relaxed" way to deal with some issues with European people. Here we are very passionate, but now, after 4 years dealing with very passionate Frings/football fans I think that European people could be as passionate as Brazilians :)
For me personally you did not spread any hate there. I personally would prefere a more freely argumentation there, but unfortunatelly some people are not prepared to understand this "freedom" properly. Younger people are quite oversensitive - Ballack fans are an example :) Speaking of that brat Ballack, I wonder what his loyal fans are thinking about him after all those disastrous statements of his "manager". For me, Herr Ballack simply agree with all those shit. Tk God Torsten seems to be (surprising!) much more mature in that matter. He just said "fuck off!" and went ahead.
Well, that's it. I just want to be sure that at least for me you will always be welcomed, right? :)
I simply don't like passive agressive shit. Like bringing up "Frings LJ readers" who apparently complained to you guys without me knowing it/or letting me know it directly and then using them as an argument to quiet me. Without me having any chance to explain myself or being heard.
Therefore I pulled out.
I think it's a bit puerile and not my style.
Don't worry tough - I am good - I feel like it would have come to frictures if I kept posting anyway. I mean, do you want to continue posting those warnings while welcoming me at the same time? And only posting "appropriate content" (according to whom?) is simply not a good enough stimulus for myself. It must have to do with the fact that some users can't handle any critcism of their beloved darlings - I have to admit, I myself have never been that seriously obsessed by something - maybe only literature has possesed me - but never a single popcultural individual (Ok - maybe my early puberty crushes don't count ;)) - in fact, I find it rather puzzling and bewildering to not accept a more distanced, ironic approach to their darling. But that is maybe just me.
I mean, is everybody else on that LJ 16? Can't be, I mean Frings has been around for quite a while, right? ;)
I would really like to know who "some people" are -- why, for instance, did you not approach them and ask them to be more relaxed about things? This really puzzles me. Or give me the chance to deal with them. I feel I was not given a chance and you had an easy handle to make me feel guilty (of something I don't want to feel guilty of).
Anyway, I can understand your point but I insist: there are some misunderstanding here that I would love to clarify, but if you don't feel comfortable in LJ Frings anymore, I understand your motives.
But I have to say something: I am the owner of that community and you *still* are welcome there. In case of another disagreement, probably I would look to find another solution to make things work, since that's obvious that the warning thing did not work as I thought. Maybe I did not think about all the implications involved and sincerely I apologize for this.
My role there is promote a nice place to discuss Frings-things. Logically I would love to have, let's say, a more openly discussion, but apparently most people there are simply not prepared for this and I had to deal with this fact wisefully - which unfortunatelly not happened in "Riberygate" :). And since above all I think that Frings deserves a special space for his fans (his website, frankly, sucks) I think that my LJ kind of take this role, which makes me happy. On other hand, I have to deal with those limits about very defensive fans.
I faced the exactly same thing in a Brazilian community that I ran about German Football. Too many different backgrounds, people of different ages. We tried to be friends, but did not work. The group split in two and there were lots of bad feelings when everything was gone.
Well, I wrote a lot :) Again: if you someday would like to be back there, I would be very grateful. But, as I said before, I totally understand your point. Just hope that this episode do not prevent us to be friends in some way.
Cheers :)
As for Becker's (Ballack's manager) comments - I wrote a post on that - they TOTALLY annoyed me.
Especially since Ballack invited, out of all people, Elton John for his wedding. (Well, you might say that EJ is whoring himself out for various assholes these days, even played at Rush Limbaugh's wedding!!! - whether pro-gay or not...)
Still, Ballack is ominpresently advertising for a "manly" deodorant... AND in an ad for German Bundesbahn together with a very successful German lesbian soccer player, Birgit Prinz. I am wondering what her thoughts on that are...
Sure, he always send out various,sometimes conflicting messages of masculinity - this over-the-top-wedding thing, the manly attitude on the pitch, his co-starring with another butch player (Prinz ;))his bro-tastic friendship with (bottom) Frings, the 80's style pimp look he sported in Miami...
I wish he would have issued a statement distancing himself from that crap. Well, he is going to be history soon anyway. Capitainwise, that is. And , if I may predict, this model of alpha-maleness has become outdated as well. I have very little respect for him left now.
In any case, since Frings is his best buddie, I felt it should have been a topic on your LJ as well, but due to the obvious problems, I rather prefered to have it here.
In any case, avoiding all those issues just makes your LJ less political, less gender concerned, especially since ironically enough there is an overt homoreoticism in many posts on your LJ.
I think I wrote that to Taversham once, when defending myself - for I feel the overt gayification/sexualization of certain players (Frings as well) here on LJ can be, imho, the real problematic issue. At least for me. It is just not sufficient/satisfying enough for me to drool when thinking of a player. Also a player might be offended by that - it is a real deformation of his personality, in away. All this might need a more differentiated approach. Drooling is fine in small dosages, but it, and that would be my criticism, makes a bit pornish only. Taking the edge of an LJ and the variety of thoughts one could have about a player or fanish object, if you will.
Though I know I can be accused of that as well, coming up with my elaborate Frings on a bike with Fritz plot ;) but still, this is by no means my only take on Frings, as has become clear, hopefully, with my other posts. That might be conflicting, but I think both sides are necessary.
Anyway -- I was already over 'Riberygate' *g* --- I hope I was able to make my point here. So I will post my game analysis here (it seems like no one cared for it anyway, too long and probably off-topic ;) and I will record my oh-so-thoughtful ruminations and boring technical things together with my occasional gaytastic stuff mostly for myself here. To prevent any further hassle. It's more of a journal for myself anyway. And likeminded folks. I don't care much about whether people like my posts or not, yet I do care when they have an opinion on something and like to battle it out here with me. I am always up for that ;) And for silly stuff, needless to say.
If I put myself against slash in the very beggining of the community, maybe it would not survived. I tried to make the community as "wide range" as possible, but I always did not understand why some people who are into slash (which implies, at least for me, a more "liberal" POV) are capable to be oversensitive or even "moralist" when you make some not so glorious comments such as "I don't like Ballack" or "Frings has a new girlfriend even being officialy married" (BTW seems that he came back to wifey, but due to all the tantrums probably - I don't know yet - I will not comment *anything* on the comm).
To be honest, I think that you are the first person who pointed my contradictions in my community owner role. Believe me, it's not easy try to be fair :) But you always can learn.
Just one more thing: please, posting here about Torsten is absolutely allowed. My LJ is not official, I am not Torsten's representative in any ways so you are completely free to post anything about him here.
Well, I think that everything is clear now. Maybe in Riberygate it would have more dialog. But, as I say before, we always can learn :)
Time will tell. Thanks for your kind apology.
In any case, the slash thing is quite a phenomenon. And it does, as I pointed out, contradict your stance on censoring people otherwise - when they utter unfavorable things. Things that do not match their/an idealized/slashed version of their hero. It might even be so that these people completely blend that out. They blend out most of the 'real' person, in fact.
I still like the 'real' person! Thank god! Yet, the entire cultural machinery that constructs a certain image of a soccer player for us, for example the fake closeness that extreme close-up shots allow for and to me contribute to the increase in fan fictions, and the way how we construct idealized versions of players in fan fictions - all those notions about gender plus the whole objectification is worthy to consider as well. At least for me. This feeling of how players have lately become more and more a character in a BuLi sports soap or in fan fictions or in computer games for that matter than actual players is a bit worrisome to me. I do think a meta stance is needed to not get caught up in all that too much. Irony is one, as is revealing those contradictions.
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