Dec 03, 2008 15:55
With the Christmas music playing over every store's loudspeakers in the malls and otherwise, Santa's workshop opening up all around the malls; trees, lights, I the only not really in the Christmas spirit??
I don't know what it is-- maybe it's be alone for the holidays, but I just haven't been able to get into the spirit of the season. I used to be all about Christmas, but I guess when you go through the drastic life change that I have; your view is skewed a little bit. I have to say, the prospects of working for triple time over spending time with family and friends isn't what I have in mind for anytime during Christmas.
I don't know-- I hope one day to return home and spend a Christmas back in the old homestead, in familiar settings, where I'm comfortable-- but's the future of working alone in the store, working product that'll stay on the shelf for a while because people don't shop that often during the season.