Mom's can be evil

May 31, 2006 16:03

>(This is an interesting bit of information that you don't hear much >>



>A. Enron's chairman did meet with the president and the vice president in

>the Oval Office.

Ken Lay met ONCE with Clinton in the Oval Office ( )

In the month before Enron went belly up, there were 112 contacts between Enron and the Bush White House (umm… yeah, that was one month).

( )

Need I mention that Ken Lay was also part of Dick Cheney’s ‘secret energy commission’ that met to plan out our wonderful energy policies that we have today?


>B.. Enron gave $420,000 to the president's party over three years

From 1990 to 2002 Enron’s total contributions equaled $5,951,570;  26% went to Democrats, 74% to Republicans.   The total amount of money donted to the Republican Party dwarfs any contributions to the Democrats, this is another example of telling only ‘half the truth’.

( )


>C.. It donated $100,000 to the president's inauguration festivities.
This is true, however this is a matter of context.  The country was not going through harsh economic times when spending 100K was seen as quite so irresponsible.  I agree that any such large donation is somewhat tainted.


>D.. The Enron chairman stayed at the White House 11 times.

This is a bold faced lie originally reported by Patrice Hill of the Washington Post on 2/21/02 (I would link it, but the Washington Post has already pulled it down as it was pointed out to be factually incorrect).  Ms. Hill failed to do ANY research and just sorta ‘made stuff up’.  Actual records indicate that Mr. Lay NEVER stayed in the White House under Clinton; however, he has had numerous overnight stays with W.

( )

>E.. The corporation had access to the administration at its highest  level

>and even enlisted the Commerce and State Departments to grease deals for


As this doesn’t give any details it’s hard to debunk, on the other hand, because it gives no details it can’t be proven.  “Point E” is moot.  Come back with something factual please.


>F.. The taxpayer-supported Export-Import Bank subsidized Enron for more >>

>than $600 million in just one transaction.

Under the Bush Administration, Enron was given an additional 688 billion dollars in government loans (I think that’s a wee bit more than the amount under Clinton, whatcha think?)   btw, the real loan total from the Export-Import Bank was $512 million, not 600 million.

( )


Yes, Anytime a corporation has more value to a government than its people, it is a scandal.  What’s even more scandalous is the email you forwarded me is made up with lies and distortions in an effort to make people think Bush isn’t the bad guy… they’re trying to place the blame on Clinton.  Heck yeah, Clinton was a political operator and did bad stuff.. but as can be seen, his actions are dwarfed by the corruption of the Bush Administration.

>(look below ....... )


>G.. BUT...the president under whom all this happened WASN'T George W. >>

>Bush. SURPRISE . It was Bill Clinton!

That’s right, because if the original author of the letter had included Bush, it wouldn’t read so well.


>Pass this on so the whole Country will know. The Media Won't!

Regretfully, the whole country watches Fox News and reads emails like this and doesn’t do any fact checking.  I don’t ask that you start thinking exactly like me, all I ask is that you start using some critical thinking.  It’s amazing how much propaganda (like this letter) is out there and people take it for the unabridged truth.  The media certainly doesn’t want to report the truth.



I hope not!  I can’t stand Hillary.  I’m hoping for Al Gore!  He won the election the first time around, no reason he can’t do it again (and hopefully this time the election won’t get stolen again!).  This email is a clear-cut example of someone trying to Clinton bash and having to do it by lying and misrepresenting the truth.

Greetings Mom!

I’m glad you sent me this letter, it was a great opportunity for me to show you what crap you’re receiving.  You’ll notice I’ve rebutted each point (except for one) and I even went further than the spin-doctor who wrote it, I footnoted where I got my information from so you can verify my answers.

If you ever get anything like this in the future, please forward it to me.  It’s kinda fun seeing what BS is being sent around the net.

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