An ecosystem for Carl

May 19, 2006 11:48

Yes indeed, an ecosystem even Carl would strive to maintain!

In northern Canada and the rest of the taiga there are many small rodents; voles, mice, rats, small insignificant animals of that sort, and in most places they experience periodic booms and busts as thier numbers exceed the capacity for the environment to sustain them, and thus they crash, re-populate, et cetera. however in some areas this does not happen, though the populations do cycle somewhat, it is very limited. The environments are identical, save for one difference, these areas are inhabited by a species of squirrel, a small bushy-tailed rat, eater of seeds, nuts, fruit and vole brain. yes, vole brain. occasionally, not very often, these squirrels manage to somehow corner those small rodents (being rather ineffiecent predators, with small legs and such) and with thier big frontal incisors lop of thier heads, crack open thier skulls and scoop out their brains and eat them, leaving the hollow heads and bodies behind. it is thus that the ecosystems are made unable to undergo the boom-bust cycle.
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