- Damnit I'm so tired already at the wank around Shattered Memories. "It's not SH1 so it sucks wah wah wah." Isn't that precisely supposed to be the point? To shatter everything that happened in SH1 and confuse the players? Why can't people be happy (and excited) with this concept? Thanksfully not everyone is like this, but I think that for a while I'll skip comments and just enjoy the teasers alone.
- E3 makes me happy.
Knowing that the team of Ico is preparing another game, and that it's so BEAUTIFUL, is making me CRY OF SHEER JOY. Watch it, guys, and tell me what you think.
kh_press is coming back to life, yay! \o/
- Today I stayed late at work and I helped the cleaning lady to prepare a motivation letter. I was happy to be helpful and give her a few tricks, and that reminds me that I've already considered to become a voluntary worker for helping people with adult literacy or administrative paperwork, that sort of things. I like helping people and I'm pretty good with juggling with the French language, that's why. So far I've always chickened out because I'm awkward when it comes to interacting with new people, and because I don't really know where to look for for a serious volunteer network. Next time I go to my city hall, I'll ask.