the faq.

Mar 08, 2010 21:47

the faq. )

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tsunderes May 3 2010, 15:01:53 UTC
Just thought of a few more since I was surfing anoncomm this morning. We can talk about these later, but to make sure I don't forget--

- Can characters switch rooms/roommates? (I was thinking we could allow this as long as there's a good IC justification, like Character A and B keep trying to rip each others' throats out, haha)

- Put in a FAQ to clarify that filters, accidental posts, and video are not possible. This is all pretty straightforward in the journal device info, but maybe putting it in out-of-universe style will help clarify and make sure we don't get those things.

- I can't find what this anon is talking about? Okay this isn't a FAQ, but I'm writing these out :'|

- And randomly, are we going to discourage hanky-panky? It might upset poor Grandore :(!!

That's all I found, but the changing rooms was sort of the most important, since I think that's a legitimate concern. I know some of you anons are tracking this post, so if I missed anything, pipe up and I'll add it to a discussion list.


tsunderes May 3 2010, 16:40:07 UTC
Re:3/what that anon was talking about.

Diff anon here, but in my version of Internet Explorer (which admittedly is probably outdated because I never use it) the centered/justified blocks of text are only rendered as center-aligned (just like with the user info).

Example 1:

And it applies to the whole page, comments included.

Example 2 (with apologies to Lloyd-mun):

Seems like there's a center tag that needs closing?


tsunderes May 3 2010, 16:41:36 UTC
...That is so odd. I'll look for it, but I definitely can't see it in any of my browsers! Thanks for clarifying, though. I would have had no idea otherwise.


waywarrant May 3 2010, 16:58:44 UTC
I have double and triple checked the code and I can't find that missing /center at all! Adobe's Browserlab is pretty sweet, though, for the record.

It might just be IE being weird as hell, because all the center tags are closed. I have no idea why it's centering like that.


aviy May 3 2010, 17:04:28 UTC
I was actually going to ASK about hankypanky (not that I expect it will come up with who I plan to app) so thought I might comment here. I hope it's all right for me to interject.

Having been in rps that both allow and disallow sex, I think forbidding it would make it WAY more of an issue of characters wanting to have it. The best way I've ever seen the "You may want to do it but we don't want it steaming up our post" issue is to require a fade to black and let the mun's who want to RP it do so in their character's journals, locked or not, but out of the way.


tsunderes May 3 2010, 17:11:04 UTC
That's what we were sort of thinking! We weren't going to completely disallow it, but because of the vaguely PG to PG-13 "rating" of this game, we really don't want it happening often.

We were even joking that Cid Amon might jump in to be like :| HEY NOW CUT THAT OUT. Because really, do you want this guy watching you get your freak on:

... )


aviy May 3 2010, 17:12:55 UTC
I would think if ANYTHING that mighty mustache would just make them want to switch partners.


tsunderes May 3 2010, 17:15:54 UTC
This is true. A sweet 'stache can win over anyone.

But I hope that answers your question! Obviously it's not definitive since I haven't talked about this stuff with kongming, but if you have any other questions, go ahead and ask. I'm about to leave (ART FINAL AHHHHHH) but one of us will get to them!


aviy May 3 2010, 17:17:40 UTC
Nah. the FAQ has been very thorough, I think I am good. GL on your final o/


waywarrant May 3 2010, 18:17:02 UTC
1.) Characters should be able to switch rooms, yup! Just so long as there's an IC justification, as you've said.

2.) I'll get on with that. Right now I'm getting the bestiary ready, so everything will be done today.

3.) That's only on internet explorer, and I haven't learned a way to fix it... I'll lap around the codes again to see if there's an alternative way to center the tables. :>a

4.) We don't want to happen often; there will be children in the caravan!


tsunderes May 3 2010, 20:18:39 UTC
2) *_*!! Tell me if you need help! I beasted my art final, fuck yeah.

3) Yeah I have no idea why it's doing that. I took out the center part even in the table code, and it was still doing the same thing.

4) ceiling amon is watchin' u fap?


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