Brilliant Day!

Feb 16, 2012 23:14

I found out that a cellphone photograph I took is making it into a juried show at a local community college! I am so incredibly pumped!

I also joined the Self Portrait project that ties into The Sketchbook Project and I'm going to attempt to do the Supernatural Episode themed contest in the SPN Hasitallcentral dA group. I'm wanting to start really pushing my artwork and trying to join different community projects/global art projects and contests. I have also decided that when I move, I'll be taking off a semester to focus on getting work and being settled in the new state. A break would honestly do me some good, as well. I've been going since my junior year of high school.

Here's a link to an article on the cellphone image exhibit that I got a piece into.

college, daily life, exhibit!, supernatural, onward with the rambling!

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