Jan 30, 2010 03:53
[The communicator snaps on to Lenneth beside the window, looking out worriedly]
There's something going on down below...
[The screen shakes as she takes off out of the room. Besides the overwhelming sounds of footsteps, a loud burst in the background erupts, like an earthquake. After a few more seconds of shaking she looks down at the screen]
I am reaching the outer doors now.
[She slams her shoulder against the door, nearly breaking it off its hinges. The camera spins for a moment as she hits a patch of ice and slides, dropping the communicator. It falls at an awkward angle, focusing up at her. Beyond, in the sky, can be seen flaring lights.]
By the gods... [Lenneth draws her sword]
[She stands there for a time, illuminated only by the flashing lights above her. Clearly she's on guard and frustrated that she is not up there. From off screen somewhere a light is coming toward her.]
Curse these scientists and there chips... [she begins to turn] So, I'm not the only one who - whuah?!
[As she was turning to the light source, a poe comes into view on screen. At the sight of it, she jumps back a pace and immediately assumes her fighting stance, both hands on her sword]
Vile filth. Return from whence you came! Hiyaa! [Battle ensues between Lenneth and the Poe, and anyone watching can see her skilled fighting capabilities as she uses her sword to block the poe's attacks, but struggles as is keeps vanishing on her. This cat-and-mouse continues for a while as Lenneth keeps focusing on the poe and it keeps vanishing. She jumps off screen.]
I see this foe will not fall so easily...
[The poe begins to do a spinning charge at her, lantern raised out ahead of it. There is the sound of a crash and the light goes out. After a moment, the dark screen blips off]
on the hunt,
can't sit still,
screw my wounds