Mar 23, 2014 09:30
Don't get me wrong, I love my work life, much of it anyway, I have a job that has some meaning beyond getting through the day, I get paid enough that while I do still stress about money sometimes it's the big picture stuff like affording holidays or paying for a new fence for he house (the later should be the real priority, but my sanity demands the former which I realise is such a stuck up middle class attitude to have but such are the perks of having a job that can be quite stressful). But there are weeks where five days feels more like a marathon than a sprint and being a working parent trying to stay sane when you come home to two little people who while wonderful are little people who fight and whinge and generally require parenting (kids are hard work. I don't care how much you love them they are hard work. Some ages and stages more than others.)
So this was one of those weeks where a day off really appealed. But I'm always superconscious of taking time off so I soldiered on. In ideal world I'd have at least got a babysitter and had a few hours of peace but where I live that's pretty much impossible so on all fronts life chugged along at full speed.
In busy weeks like this my main leisure activity is my afternoon walk and 1 hour of TV (yea for new Star-Crossed and Supernatural this week). Of late I've been listening to music and reading fanfic as well and I have to say how much I still enjoy reading hilarious fanfic that takes you away from the stress in life. There are a lot of people who will say good fanfic is well written, creative and the characters are in character. Sometimes I disagree. Sometimes my favourite fanfics are the ones that aren't afraid to play with our characters and their universe and be a bit silly. Because if fanfic just reads like the show, well I could watch the show (yea for DVDs). So in defence of the fun fics let me say how much it helped me get through a stressful week being able to laugh at some absolutely silly ideas. After over 10 years of reading fanfic I still think it's pretty amazing that people create stories and share them not for profit but just for enjoyment and fun. So here's to all the writers that helped get me through my week!