Remember how I've said that Semester at Sea is the gift that keeps on giving? I thought I was in good shape for having all my life information lined up and ready to go for the bar application, but I failed to take SAS into account. At least, in the way that I might have to provide some kind of address for that time period. Oops. As I asked on Facebook, does the ocean have a ZIP code?
Now, there's a couple of different solutions to this rather funny and slightly unusual problem. The best ones probably involve calling the PA bar examiners and/or SAS headquarters and ask how best to represent the information. Luke and Steve have both suggested I use Bouquet or my parents' address for that time period, which would most likely be kosher. However, on the other hand, the application requires all temporary address at which I lived for more than ninety days. And I was told many times on my trip that I was on a 100 day Voyage of Discovery!(TM) (most likely), so that could be troublesome. Plus, it's not like I can pretend I didn't go, they're going to get my academic info, too. Though I like my mom's suggestion that I plot out every mark of longitude and latitude, send that along and make the examiners figure it out. This would most likely maximize hilarity for all of us, but it would probably not be the best course of action to ensure my application is approved. Because like Super Happy Fun Ball, it is not wise to taunt the board of bar examiners of the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Or the board of bar examiners for any state. Because they can bar you from ever taking the bar anywhere pretty much on their say-so. Janet wins points for brevity, suggesting I just write "The Wave".
In other news, I do not like the new Yahoo chat feature on my email. I don't like that everything I use on the Tubes now has a chat function. Most times, I don't need/want to talk to people when quickly checking my email. ( Exception for Mom :) )
You can tell the economy's in a downturn because I have coupon offers in my inbox from pretty much every online retailer I've ever ordered from, trying to get me to buy something. Some are more tempting than others, but I probably won't use any of them because none are super-awesome and I really am trying not to spend money on stuff I don't need. Not that I've ever had a big problem with that, but still. Economy as it is and whatnot.
Still really digging the Sagas. Way more than even I thought I would.
The Onion's been very funny lately:
Justice Alito might be the money you could be saving by switching to Geico Pretty much summing up my feelings on this aspect of live theater And this was a SMBC from a couple of weeks ago, but I came across it again today, and it still made me laugh. And I believe it contributes a valuable prism into which we can view modern economic theory:
Also, I would like to point out that white chocolate Reese's peanut butter eggs are amazing. In fact, I might be prepared to say White Chocolate > Regular Chocolate > Fudge Chocolate, when it comes to peanut butter eggs. But it's a tough call, and honestly, at the end of the day, I'd chorf any of them down in a millisecond.
Oh, and LET'S GO PITT!!
Somebody is going to have to take the Sabres out behind the barn and put an end to their misery, but I can still have hope for my alma mater's basketball team, right?
Incidentally, in the second-to-most-recent crimes against good hockey games, I got to watch because Yahoo had the MSG feed, which is even better because I got to listen to Rick call the game (super-important) and tolerate Harry's color commentary (come back, Jim!). But there's also Rob Ray as ice level commentary and that's worthwhile. And it's cute because anyone doing commentary at any point (minus Harry, because he's a n00b to our broadcasting team) almost invariably just calls Biron "Marty", because we all still love him. Even while he helped to further dash our hopes of making the playoffs. Lalime was solid, but Marty was better and in the end, it made the difference.
P.S. - REAL FANS!!!1!! are back prowling
buffalosabres. Joy.