I Enjoy Spending My Afternoon at the Mercy of a Government Agency

Sep 16, 2008 17:03

Went to the Social Security office today to change my name on my SS account, which was like the seventh circle of hell (with Walmart being the eighth, and the DMV being the ninth). You know it's bad when the confused old people are the least annoying. Most annoying being all of the couples who apparently felt that they had to go do this mundane bit of paperwork together. You know, to show off, I guess. Seriously, there were four or five couples. I didn't know I was supposed to bring Steve on this. I was stuck sitting next to the couple who made out most of the time we were waiting, but at least I didn't have to sit next to the girl who made a big stink about having to sit next to people. It's kind of a security issue to have people milling about, so they ask you to sit in a seat. This girl was whining that there were no seats, meaning there weren't any seats not next to someone. The look of disdain for having to sit in between two normal looking people that was on her entitled, Chanel-sunglasses-wearing face made me want to smack her. At least she sent her annoying husband off to one of the restaurants next door so we didn't have to deal with him.
And then I had to be slightly embarrassed when the ladies at the desk were super-excited that I had already brought and filled out the paperwork I was supposed to have, and I had all the necessary identification. Because that's what working for a government agency will bring you to: being excited that someone followed the directions.


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