Looking for a Florance Nightengale

Sep 20, 2008 22:03

It was the day after the battle and Lindsey had been passed out for about half a day now. As he started to come to, the first thing he was aware of was the blinding pain through his abdomen. It almost made him slip back into unconsciousness again, but he fought past it to the dim lights of the room. His hand reached out blindly for the table, ( Read more... )

gordon, lindsey, felicia

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npcs_ahoy September 21 2008, 03:22:21 UTC
To be perfectly honest, Felicia hadn't come in to check on him. It wasn't that she wasn't concerned about the relative well-being of the relatively pretty demon who Ruby had placed under her charge, it was just that as far as she was concerned, the demon was still unconscious. He was unconscious, and Gordon wasn't, and since she didn't dare leave Gordon alone with the demon in question -- too worried about what he'd do to him -- she would have to find some other way to get her nicotine fix in a non-smoking hotel.

So that involved barging her way back into Lindsey's room, making a beeline for the window, and forcing it open. It wasn't until she had actually lit up, inhaled, and was blowing the deep breath she had taken in out the window when she realized that the hand connected to the body the demon was inhabiting was moving. And by all logic, that wasn't supposed to be the case.

"What in the -- " she sighed slightly, ashing the cigarette, before placing it down on the window sill and moving in closer to him. "You awake there, sweetheart?"


evilhandissue September 21 2008, 03:28:06 UTC
Black eyes shifted to her. He was still a bit out of it because of the blinding pain in his body. "Where'd you come from?"

He was still looking for the pills without looking.


npcs_ahoy September 21 2008, 03:32:05 UTC
She smirked slightly, before turning away from him, glancing around for that bottle Ruby had handed her earlier. "I'm part of your personal protection detail. Apparently, for some reason not yet apparent to me, Ruby likes you and wants to keep you alive. Therefore -- I'm helping."

She found the bottle she was looking for, before making her way back over to him, and sitting down on the edge of the bed next to him, reading the dosage. She wasn't all that sure if it mattered when it came to demons, but she didn't want to cause the body to spontaneously break down either. Once she had her answer, she lowered the bottle to get it open, before flashing him a smile and handing him the dose.

"I'm Felicia."


evilhandissue September 21 2008, 03:36:05 UTC
"Lindsey." He saw the bottle and the dosage, and the mention of Ruby made him extend a small offer of trust as he took it. Without water. Because Lindsey learned to dry swallow pills long ago.

"What's happening? I can feel a lot of power outside."


npcs_ahoy September 21 2008, 03:42:46 UTC
"Let me see if I can get this right," she said with a heavy sigh as she leaned back on the bed slightly, bracing her weight behind herself with her hands as she did. "You've got three demons, a werewolf and a skinwalker in the building that I know of, plus whatever demons happen to be lurking around waiting for Sam. Sam and Ruby went off after this Meg demon -- whoever the hell she is -- and she left two demons with you, and a demon and the hunters with the other Winchester."

Felicia was guilty of not paying attention to demon politics much. She just -- existed, and was quite happy to do so, as there wasn't really a whole lot that people could blackmail her with. She was far too old to be pulled into silly tricks like that.

"Gordon is off brooding or doing whatever it is he does best. He hasn't really come to terms with the 'this is how you'll be spending eternity' part of the demonic bargain. Not that I blame him really -- he wasn't exactly known for his compassion and understanding when it came to those of a supernatural nature, even in the end when he turned into one himself." One of Felicia's hands had moved up to the side of her face at some point during the conversation and she tapped the side of her chin lightly.

"That's fairly ironic. I should try and work that into my next novel -- the conundrum of the hero turned villain."

And yes, she was talking just to fill the space. Gordon wasn't exactly the listening type.


evilhandissue September 21 2008, 03:47:58 UTC
Lindsey chuckled. The pain pills worked fast, especially as Lindsey's heart was once again beating. Slow, but working at it. "I wouldn't know. I did the opposite, if for a time. But that was long ago."

Closing his eyes, Lindsey tested out his legs. Nope. Still can't feel them. He took a deep breath, then snorted. "You can keep smoking if you need to. It's not like it will kill me."


npcs_ahoy September 21 2008, 03:50:46 UTC
"Why thank you," she said with a small smile, before getting up and moving back towards where she had stashed her cigarette. She leaned over the window sill, just to make sure that she didn't set off any fire alarms -- that was the last thing that they needed, really. She took another drag on the cigarette, before exhaling out the window again, and tapping away the ash that had accumulated while she was talking.

"So how did you wind up with that lovely hole in your chest?'


evilhandissue September 21 2008, 03:59:48 UTC
"That Meg demon got mad that I took away her magical cloak, and threw me through a metal pipe."

He looked at her now, seeing the demon with his black eyes. He then blinked, his baby blues coming out. And he got to see her as the human body. "Remind me to thank Ruby for giving me such a beautiful nursemaid."


npcs_ahoy September 21 2008, 04:03:08 UTC
She laughed at that, shaking her head slightly as she took one last drag on her cigarette before stubbing it out and flicking the stub onto the ground several floors below them.

"I hardly think she meant to have me brought in as a nurse," she said with a grin, before moving back over to him again. "If anything I was to kill anyone who tried to kill you. So far, none have tried."


evilhandissue September 21 2008, 04:08:14 UTC
"Well, you're making me feel better, that's for sure." The sly southern grin. He was flirting. Was it intentional? Or did Kutner really give him a strong drug dose and he was already high?

"Good to know no one has tried. I'm not really up for swordfighting today..."


npcs_ahoy September 21 2008, 04:12:43 UTC
"Well, that's a shame," she said with a smirk, before her eyes darted over to the rapier that was leaning against the far wall. "I was in the mood for a bit of bout -- not that you'd be much good to me like this, but I would have liked to see your technique."

Was she flirting back? It's possible. She hadn't been flirted with in a while, and as she had said earlier -- he was pretty. She had always been a sucker for a pretty face, even when she was human.


evilhandissue September 21 2008, 04:16:47 UTC
"Maybe when I can actually feel my legs and walk I will take you up on that. I've learned the art from masters. It's all about the wrist and the dance."

He gave her a lopsided grin. Yeah, it was the drugs. And the fact that Lindsey hadn't been able to flirt in awhile himself. So the drugs were a good excuse.


npcs_ahoy September 21 2008, 04:21:06 UTC
"Funny, I always just thought it looked pretty," she sighed, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. "Well, that and it translated extremely well into other matters, but you should be careful what you say -- I may just hold you to that proposal."

And she would -- it was hard when you were a demon that didn't constantly have some defining battle to fight. When you just existed, there was no one to take out all that violent aggression on -- not unless you decided to invest in a pool boy. An opportunity to fence some would probably do her some good.


evilhandissue September 21 2008, 04:27:47 UTC
And Lindsey would make a damn good pool boy too...

"You're welcome to it. In fact... you might be able to help me move this process along. Ruby has you guarding me, right? That means if I want to go someplace, you have to go with me..."


npcs_ahoy September 21 2008, 12:04:17 UTC
"In theory, yes," she said with a sigh, before tilting her head to the side slightly, curiosity crossing her features. "What exactly is it that you had in mind?"

She was slightly resistant to the idea, if for no other reason than the fact that Gordon would have to come along as well -- and that would completely ruin the mood. Just for the record.


evilhandissue September 21 2008, 15:16:18 UTC
"I can heal myself a lot faster when I'm able to take into certain energies. To do that, I need to be on real ground."

He could hear the hesitancy. It was a lawyer trick he never lost. "What's wrong?"


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