In which Alloces issues some warnings.

Sep 26, 2009 23:07

Alloces had left his meat at Bobby's on a whim. He had wandered over to check something out when he heard Amy's call and went to help Ruby. Apparently it was a wise choice, because given the situation, Bobby's was the safest place for her to be. The minute Ruby's boots set down on the soil of the salvage yard, he rocketed his way out of her body and back into his own, letting Ruby collapse onto the ground next to him.

Ruby had been next to unconscious when he'd possessed her, so when he left her, she passed out in an instant. At least she was breathing, though, as oppose to dead. He knew that when -- not if -- Sam was freed from Lucifer, he would never forgive himself if he woke up to find that Ruby was dead at his hand. He wasn't in control of his body at the time, but he had made the choice to drink Avnas's blood, which therefore laid the blame on his shoulders. He wasn't going to say that, however, because he wasn't about to take any of the blame from Lucifer.

He hated Lucifer. Just for the record.

He had banded with Lucifer at the beginning of time because he had agreed with his cause. Now, however, he just didn't see the point of bringing about the Apocalypse. He didn't want to make war on Heaven, again. He was happy with the way things were, but for some reason Lucifer needed to wage war. If he thought Alloces was joining his ranks, however, he was bout to be sorely mistaken. Alloces wasn't going to war for him again. Not even for Avnas.

He pushed himself up, before scooping Ruby up off the ground, and making his way towards the front door of the house. He knocked once, before waiting for Bobby to open the door, balancing the unconscious woman in his arms and hoping that he would be able to hide her away in time.

Bobby didn't need a phone call or an e-mail to let him know that something bad had happened. All the signs were popping up like mad in the last two hours that a major player had just entered the playing field, and Bobby was working on getting the panic room set up. The boys might have angels on their side, but Bobby was a sitting duck in his junkyard. He had set all the sigils and salt lines, but there were just some things that didn't get bothered by them.

And if this was what Bobby dreaded, he was not going to sit around waiting for the end.

The knock on the door didn't startle him. He had seen one of Sam's demon friends doing a quick patrol outside before he disappeared. However, Bobby wasn't taking chances as he grabbed his shotgun and went to the door. He opened it a crack, the chain still up. Before he could ask what the demon wanted, he saw Ruby in his arms. Shutting the door, Bobby undid the chain and opened it. "What in the hell happened?"

"Lucifer," Alloces replied bluntly. "Can I come in?"

Bobby watched him a moment. "Don't try anything. Just 'case Sam trusts you don't mean I do." He scuffed the salt line with his foot so the demon could cross, then instantly fixed it. "Put her on the couch. I'll get something to clean her up with."

Alloces fought the urge to roll his eyes at the suggestion, but did as he was told, placing Ruby down very gently on the couch, and moving to the side so that the man could do what he needed to do.

Bobby came back with a rag and a basin of water, as well as a bag over his shoulder. Dropping it to the ground, it opened to show bandages, rubbing alcohol and other med kit things. He started to wash Ruby's face, gently, with the holy water was out of habit. Then he checked her over for more injuries that weren't on her face. "Now ya say Lucifer did this? Last thing I heard, Sam stopped him from coming about."

Alloces snorted. "He actually opened the door. Apparently, Lilith managed to break all the seals before Sam killed her, and as soon as he did that, it was pretty much like rolling out the welcome wagon. Lucifer's wearing Sam, actually." Sorry, Alloces didn't believe in tact. So you're going to get the blunt honest truth whether you like it or not.

"What?" Bobby snapped his head to look at Alloces, unbelieving. "The boy's got charms against that happening..."

"After he was released, he was hidden inside Sam in some way. Unless a certain trigger was given, there was no chance of him actually escaping. I think that might be why Ruby was made human. I wasn't sure at the time, but now I have a bit more information." Alloces shifted, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I saw it with my own two eyes. And when she wakes up, she'll confirm it."

"Well ain't this just peachy." Bobby looked around the room and sighed. "This place ain't gonna be safe from the likes of him. Best we move her downstairs."

Alloces nodded, before moving back over to her, starting to pick her up again. As he did, she started to stir slightly, feeling herself start to come to with a bit of a groan. "I feel like I've been hit by a tractor trailer."

"Well, you'll live if the world doesn't end first." Bobby grabbed his stuff and started for the steps to the basement.

She sighed softly, rubbing her neck lightly. "So that's what getting possessed feels like. Well, that sucks."

"You'll live," Alloces replied evenly as he followed Bobby's lead.

Bobby led them to the panic room. He walked in, then stopped and looked back at Alloces. "She's gonna have to walk her own self in."

"I can walk," Ruby said with a nod, and Alloces put her down on shaky legs. They were, however, strong enough to get her inside to the nearest thing she could sit on. She turned back to face the door, before giving Alloces a small smile. "Thank you."

The demon gave her a half shrug, before turning to look at Bobby. "She knows how to summon me if you need help." He glanced around for a moment, before turning back again. "I also do not believe the garrison is completely innocent in this, so some anti-angelic wards would help as well."

Bobby was about to bite out an "I'll find them" bit, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. "If you got any in mind, it'd save me time doing the research."

"Do you have a piece of paper?"

Bobby grabbed a pad from his desk and a pen, bringing them both over to Alloces. "Does it have to be done in any particular medium? Chalk, paint, blood?" Because yes, Bobby knew different mediums had different powers.

"Engraving actually works best," Alloces sighed as he started to draw them out. "People who really want to hide themselves from an angel go as far as to cut the symbols into their skin."

"Of course they do." Bobby snorted. Not happening, least not on his skin. But he's figure out something.

Alloces finished the drawing, before handing it back to him. "As I said -- she can summon me if you need anything. Just stay put."

"We ain't going nowhere." Bobby took it back, examining the symbols. "Don't worry 'bout that."

"Good." With that, he was gone, disappearing from view. Ruby just sighed, leaning back into the chair heavily.

""Well, I don't know about you, but I need a drink."

When Alloces was gone, Bobby shut the door and locked it. "Bar is in the cabinet next to the fridge." He didn't look over at her, but went to the desk to start figuring out what to do to get these symbols up quickly.

"Fantastic," she sighed, before getting up and heading over to find a bottle and take a swig. She let the alcohol slide and burn down her throat before pulling back and wiping her chin with her hand. "So I take it he explained everything?"

"Said that Lucifer's wearing Sam and beat the crap outta you and it all goes back to Lilith's death." He was a bit gruff, more out of worry than anger. But it was Bobby.

"Yeah, pretty much," she sighed, before cringing. "Though I suppose if we want to get really technical, this all goes back to Mary getting axed back in eighty-three, but hey. Who's keeping track anyway?"

"Probably further back than that too. A lotta people had parts to play in this." He looked over his shoulder a moment at Ruby, a look meant to state that bobby hadn't forgotten Ruby's little role in all this, even if she was human now.

Ruby looked away, taking another sip of her drink. "I could have done worse to him. Just for the record. In fact, I could have just let Dean die all those years ago, and things would be a hell of a lot worse."

"So says you."

She sneered slightly. "You want to know why Sam wound up in a coma all those months ago after axing Lilith? Or why he was deteriorating so badly? It's because there were certain things I didn't do. I could have fed him my blood to help him maintain his body, but I didn't. You wanna know why I didn't? Because I knew it would string him out just as badly as crack or cocaine, and I didn't want to do that to him. So I'm not totally the bad guy here, alright? I was screwed, and I wanted out of Hell, so I made a shit deal, but I did the best I could to protect him. I'm sorry I did the things I did, but if I hadn't helped him save Dean then? It would have been Apocalypse: Now fifteen years ago."

Bobby just watched her a moment, then huffed and went back to the symbols, not saying a word.

Ruby just sighed before taking another swig of the bottle, wanting to just be anywhere but here. She hated that to some extent she had gotten them into this situation. "If it hadn't been me, it would have been another demon who was willing to take Lilith's deal, and they wouldn't have made the same concessions. Besides, this wouldn't have happened if Dean hadn't sold his damn soul in the first place."

Bobby made a small grunt type "uh huh" noise, not really paying attention. If Ruby needed to vent, she could. He just didn't really see a purpose to it now.

Ruby was getting the point that Bobby didn't care, so she just rolled her eyes and made her way over to one of the cots, curling up on her side. She hated this. She hated being powerless in this, but she was, and now she was stuck here with Bobby, who really had no reason at all to like her, and all she wanted was for things to be okay again. And she wasn't sure if they would be. Not if things changed the way she suspected they would.

After about twenty minutes, Bobby got up. "Well, I ain't engraving my skin, but we can see if this works..." he muttered, grabbing a tiny blowtorch.

She glanced over, then nodded. "Should be fine. As long as it's on the outside of wherever we are, I think we're pretty safe."

Bobby opened the door, stepping outside. The torch was turned on and he started to scorch the symbol onto either side of the door.

Ruby just sighed and stayed where she was, relaxing and closing her eyes as she let the bottle come to rest on the floor next to her.

Letting her enjoy her self-loathing and alcohol, Bobby finished the symbols, then closed the door and went back to doing some research before he fell asleep on the desktop. It was going to be a long series of days...

ruby, bobby, alloces

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