Takes place time wise after Meg is revealed and Alec has been altered...Lindsey walked into the Winchester house, closing his eyes as he sensed which beings were currently inside. The dog, the Hell Hound spawn that Sam had found to protect his brother, looked up from the spot on the couch that he had fallen asleep
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"I had a cat once when I was a kid that ate bacon. Loved the chewy kind. hacked it up afterwards."
Alec's stomach rolled at the thought of hacking anything up, and at the thought of food. Then it decided it wanted food. He hated that feeling. Hungry-sick. He hated most feelings right now. "Had a balimic cat." It was mumbled and mashed into a cushion. He winced at the sound of his own voice. He'd been picking some pretty random shit to say lately when he spoke at all.
While the waffles cooked and the bacon fried, he started to refill the fridge. What was it with the fast food and the beer? Didn't these guys eat anything healthy?
Lindsey may be dead, but he still ate like he planned on living a long, healthy life.
"You going to hide under there all morning, or you coming to get breakfast? I'm not your damn maid."
Just your damn babysitter...
Four large Belgian waffles were made. And enough bacon for a small army. Lindsey figured that Dean would eventually wake up and want food too, so he would leave it for him. Though the man could heat it up himself.
Standing in the doorway, Lindsey saw the pile of boy, dog and blanket and shook his head. He then gave a sharp whistle and slapped his leg. "Here dog. Come and get it."
There was bacon for Jinx too. Lindsey liked dogs. More than cats.
Jinx licks his face before slipping out from underneith him. Sure enough the dog has a black leather collar and tags though they are rubber edged so they don't rattle. He sits and looks up at Lindsey clearly waiting.
"And I'm not going into the illnesses that vomiting is associated with. Mainly because I'm not a doctor, and I'm trying to eat here."
"God, feel like I've been drop kicked by a freight train." He rolled onto his back, which was an imporvment.
"You'll be better once you have some food in you." Lindsey was persistent, and didn't like having to repeat himself. He tossed another strip of bacon at Jinx. "And if you're not quick JINX might end up eating it all."
Jinx snapped up the bacon but headed back over to Alec, possably afraid he'd have to haul Alec back up onto the sofa by his shirt.
There was a plate ready for Alec, and Lindsey sat down at the kitchen table, coffee in hand which he sipped as he read the morning paper.
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