In Which Sam makes the ultimate sacrifice...

Jan 31, 2009 21:23

Sam pulled the car up at the warehouse in Jersey where Ruby had tracked Dean and Alloces. He barely stopped the car, didn't even take the time to turn it off before running towards the door. Ruby would have been standing outside with Dean by now if everything was ok, so he just knew that it wasn't.

He could feel the demonic power in the warehouse, felt the pain from Ruby as he got closer... they would know he was outside, so he didn't bother with the sneaking around outside. Instead he just took the risk and walked right in and just hung close to the wall, getting his bearings while in the shadows as he gathered his powers around him.

Dean was tied up in a chair. Ruby was slumped against the wall, and Alloces was close to her. The knife was nowhere to be seen, and following Alloces' eyes...


Lilith looked at Alloces and just smiled. "I heard you were having a party, Alloces. Did you forget to send me an invitation? I even picked out a pretty dress for it." She twirled around, wearing the body of a sixteen year old who had been on her way to the junior prom.

The look on Alloces' face was an unhappy one, rotating his shoulders as he started to rise to his feet and move closer to her. "You weren't invited. And you know, Lilith. I don't like it when people crash my parties."

"And I'm not the only party crasher," she said, swaying back and forth. "Ruby was a bad girl, but you broke her. So I'll just have to dance with her boyfriend." Lilith's eyes shifted and stared right where Sam was standing in the shadows. "Hello Sam. I've missed you."

Sam took a deep breath. He had tried to move closer to Dean and Ruby to check on them, but stopped in his tracks about six feet from them. "Sorry, can't say the same for you, Lilith." He took a step forward into the light, watching her.

Both Dean and Ruby's eyes snapped over to where Sam was standing, and Dean just started shaking his head, telling him silently to get the hell out of there, but Ruby was the one who actually vocalized it. "Sam -- what the fuck do you think you're doing? Get. Out. Of. Here."

Sam just turned to look at them a moment, his jaw set. No, he wasn't going to lost his brother again, and Ruby was hurt. There was no way in hell he was leaving them. They could yell at him later.

"Ooo, someone's jealous." Lilith laughed a bit, smiling at Ruby, then walked over to Sam. "Do you like my dress, Sam? If you're a good date, maybe it can end up on the floor by the bed." She reached a hand up to run along his cheek. Sam barely flinched. "You like your women with a bit of sulfur now, don't you Sam?"

Sam grabbed her wrist, holding it away from his body tightly. "Only in your dreams, Lilith." He then pushed her away from him. "Let them go," he told Alloces, knowing now that he was the one holding Dean and Ruby, not Lilith.

Alloces met Sam's eyes with a cool look of indifference, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he looked down towards Ruby, and then glancing back to Dean. "You're more than welcome to take blondie over here -- she's of no use to me. But I can't let you take your brother, Sam. He's not mine to give."

"He wasn't yours to take in the first place." Sam looked at Ruby, wishing he could just will her to stand up. He didn't know what was wrong, but the fact she was down and looked the way she did wasn't reassuring.

Lilith just stood where she was, her arms crossed. She was almost pouting because Sam was ignoring her. And she didn't like being ignored. But he looked so pretty trying to be a bad boy that she decided to let him continue.

Ruby wished she could get up. She really did. Because if she did, she could run, get her knife from where Alloces had so brilliantly chucked it, and stab Lilith for having her grimy little hands all over Sam, but she couldn't. So she just sat there, leaning back against the wall and trying to go through the ways to make herself useful -- there weren't many. Not in this situation.

"Oh, but he is, Sam," the demon replied, starting to circle slightly as he moved closer at the same time. "Your brother died. Went to Hell. He was ours, and Castiel had no right to take him from us -- Dean had earned his sentence. He needs to fill it."

Sam wasn't a circling person. He stood his ground. But he did shift his balance just a bit, getting his center to be able to react if the demon came at him. "His sentence came from a contract to keep me alive. He didn't break it, Castiel did. So you got a problem with it, you should take it up with Castiel, not Dean." Damnit Ruby, where is the knife? he thought, trying to send out the idea to her.

However, Lilith had seen the pretty as she got bored and looked around. She called it to her hand and looked at it. "Looking for this?" she smiled.

Sam's eyes left Alloces for a second to see what Lilith had. Shit... he growled to himself.

Alloces' eyes wandered to Lilith as he spoke, still aware of where Sam was in the room, but paying more attention to the woman with the weapon. "Oh, we are taking it up with the bird. Your brother's head in a box sends quite the clear message, don't you think?"

Ruby gritted her teeth slightly. Lilith was not making her happy girl. First Sam, now her knife? Sam better be getting that back. Otherwise, there were going to be problems.

Oh, Sam was planning on getting that knife back, all right. "Listen, Alloces. I'll make you a deal. You give me back Dean, and I'll show you where Amy's been staying. I'm sure you miss her." He was talking to the demon, but his eyes were on Lilith as she twirled the weapon easily in her hand.

He needed to change tactics. He needed Alloces on his side. Needed the demon to help him get Dean and Ruby to safety and get that damn knife out of Lilith's hand.

Ruby closed her eyes as she looked back at Sam, shaking her head slightly. That wasn't going to work. You couldn't bargain with something that Alloces already had. Alloces, on the other hand, just let his head drop to the side slightly and shook his head, most of his attention still on Lilith. "See -- here's the thing, Sam. I don't -- disapprove of the plan. And Avnas will find her way back to me, even without your help. So really -- that's not much of a bargain."

It was a minute, before his hand shot out, wrist closing around the one where Lilith was holding the knife and the other snapping around her neck, pulling her back against him. "I don't bargain with those who don't have anything to offer," he sighed, not sounding stressed at all as he moved to apply the right pressure to get Lilith to drop the knife. It wasn't hers -- she shouldn't be playing with it. He still had enough affection for Ruby to guarantee that much.

"If you want the next time you see her to be the last," Sam stated quickly. "Because I don't think she will feel all too happy to know you've aiding in killing the father of someone she's very close to." It was a card he wasn't sure how he could play, but he'd try. Anything to give them time. Especially as he slowly walked closer to where Dean and Ruby where, his hands sliding into his pocket for his pocketknife. A few more feet and he could get it into his hand and toss it to Ruby to work on cutting Dean free.

Lilith, meanwhile, purred and leaned back into Alloces' chest, her free hand coming up to run through his hair. The knife had been dropped but she wasn't phased. "Oh sweetie, you always play so rough. And I like it rough but -" Her fingernails dug into his skin and she pulled her hand down hard, scratching him from his hairline, below his ear and down his neck as she twirled out of his headlock. She then threw him across the room with a wave of her hand, aiming him towards a pillar.

She then bent down and picked the knife back up, balancing it on it's point in her hand a moment. "All this talk just for a silly knife. And it can only kill one person in this room anyway." Smiling, she looked at Ruby. "And since she's already a broken dollie, it would be better to end her pain."

The knife shifted, then started to fly right at Ruby.

Alloces didn't like being thrown. He could handle being scratched but actually having him be thrown -- that didn't please him. But there were bigger causes to worry about at the moment, and it only took a brief pull of telepathy, stopping the knife just in front of Ruby's face, pausing long enough to let it drop into her lap gently. "You know nothing about us, Sam," he said slowly as he did, not meeting the man's eyes as he pushed himself to his feet. "Do not make assumptions about what Avnas will or will not do, because you don't know her the way I do. And don't bargain with what you don't have."

He paused dusting himself off for a moment, before looking over at the fragile body that Lilith was wearing, and his eyes went blood red. He didn't like it when someone tried to take his kill from him, especially when it was someone he had history with, the way he and Ruby did. "As for you -- bad move."

"Then give me an idea of something I have you want, Alloces. Because I'm sure I can offer you a better deal than having you be a hired thug for a group of fellow Fallen for the rest of your existance. I'm sure long ago you were much better than that, and why you let them treat you like that now I have no idea." Changing tactics, trying now to play to the demon's ego. He wanted power and unlimited things to hurt, Sam could find him that in the army. Just needed to get Dean and Ruby out of here now, get away from Ruby... or just keep stalling long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

"You don't scare me, Alloces." Her eyes flashed white back to match him, holding her hand out at him. "However, you also have something that really, belongs to me."

From behind Alloces, a chain snaked down from a huge roller with a hook on the end. The chain wrapped around the Fallen's neck three times, then the hook locked it in place and pulled him up into the air. She smiled at him. "So your boss at the moment can just ask me her permission when she tries to hurt my Winchesters."

"Your Winchesters?" Sam snorted, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh Sam, it's not always about you." She smiled and looked at Dean. "After all, Dean is mine. I have a contract and all. So if you don't want to be my date, I'm sure Dean would love it." She started to walk over to him. "He has a history of stealing your prom dates anyway, if the rumors are true."

Sam's eyes widened, looking at his brother. God no...

Ruby's eyes followed Alloces up to the rafters of the barn and fought back the silent litany of shitshitshitshitshit that threatened to escape her lips. There goes her muscle. She paused for a moment, an almost silent distress call slipping out as she reached out to the only person who she could think of that could stop Lilith, willingly, for her at this point, and then turned her attention back to Sam, Dean, and the bitch, trying to get a gauge on if there was anything she could do from where she was sitting.

Dean just looked up at Lilith with the same stony look that he'd given Phoenix not that long ago, a thin smirk with empty eyes -- a trick he'd learned in the first ten years of the pit, the last defense he had right before they started to tear into the things that hurt too much to bear. "You know, that is true. But here's the thing -- I don't do demon skanks. Kind of makes me sick to my stomach."

"Get away from him," Sam growled deep in his throat. He started towards them, and Lilith just smiled and raised a hand, throwing Sam back into the wall and pinning him there. Then she hiked up her prom dress and sat in Dean's lap, her arms coming to rest around his shoulders, her head on his shoulder.

"Oh, Dean. You should ask your brother about us. You might see that we're so much fun. I'm sure Ruby keeps your brother really satisfied late at night, don't you Ruby?"

Her fingers played in his hair. "And who knows... another forty years in the pit, this time with me helping shape you... you might come to enjoy it. Spend a long day at the office with Alastair, tearing apart those bad bad souls, then come home to me and spend all night wrapped around each other doing things only demons can do."

Her breath brushed along his jaw. "We can even bring that little blonde bartender down with us. Make a nice little harem."

Dean's fingers curled around the edge of the chair arms at the mention of Jo, but he kept the rage down, kept his cool. It wasn't like there was anything he could do here but talk. Instead he just coughed slightly. "Sorry. Just threw up in my mouth a little. You know, I keep doing that lately. Maybe I need to spend less time around demonic whores." He paused for a minute, before looking down at her with a barely concealed glare. "But you know what the truth is, sweetheart? I'd rather sit on the rack and have Alastair tear me to pieces every day for the rest of eternity than ever do any of that with you."

"You say that, but you broke once, Dean. And you'd break again." She smiled then looked down at Ruby. "Let's see how long it takes this time. Ruby can be the witness." Lilith started to reach for the knife, then stopped.

There was a shift in power, and Lilith turned to see Sam having pulled himself free from her TK and striding towards her. He was positively furious and looked so beautiful that she just smiled. "I think Samael has something to say about this."

"Get the hell away from my brother." Sam didn't look, just raised his hand. There was the sound of chains clanking as Alloces fell to the ground, freed from his rack.

Lilith twisted on Dean's lap, then stood up. "Why, Sam? I'm sure your brother would rather go back down to hell then know that the alternative is going to send you down to me instead."

There was a dark, twisted smile on Sam's lips. Once Dean would never have seen on Sam. One only Ruby has seen deep in the heart of many battles when Sam was forced to do the job himself. When he pushed his own soul aside and embraced the demon in him. When Sam could truely be scary. "What makes you think I'm going to let you meet me there?"

Dean's eyes went wide, and he shook his head slightly, trying to find some way to call his brother off, but there were no words again. He didn't know what he was supposed to say, and his eyes drifted to Ruby, pleading with her to find some way to call him off, to get him to stop because this wasn't what Dean wanted. This was the last thing that Dean wanted, and Dean would rather go to Hell again then have his brother do whatever he was about to do.

"Sam, you don't have to do this," Ruby said slowly, her fingers gripping the handle on the knife as she tried to push herself up into more of a sitting position. "There has to be another way." She caught Alloces dropping to the ground out of the corner of her eye, landing on his feet and reaching up to rub his neck lightly, watching from a distance. She wanted to tell him what to do, but she didn't know if there was a way to do it and still save Sam. Instead she just turned back to Sam, pleading silently for him to take another way out, to not do this, but she knew that he wasn't going to listen. Fourteen years had taught her that much by now.

"No, there isn't." Sam just looked at Lilith, who's smile grew. "And we all know it. I've been waiting for this for fourteen years now."

"So have I." Lilith was practically bouncing. "I can feel your power, Sam. You're ready. You're perfect."

Sam took a moment to just look over Lilith at his brother. You've always been there to protect me, Dean. You've given me everything you could, including your own life. It's my turn.

His hand shot out, grabbing her and tossing her to the side. Lilith laughed, hitting the wall and freeing herself quickly, wiping her hand against her lips. "That's my boy," she muttered, curling her finger to draw him closer. Sam turned his back on Dean and Ruby, praying that his last words to Alloces and the show of helping him was enough to at least keep his brother and Ruby safe until the rest of the calvary arrived.

Sam was sure Ruby had called out for help by now.

She had. She had no idea where the help was, but she had. And right now, she was curling into herself slightly, feeling more like the broken thing she was as oppose to trying to keep her cool. Mostly because she couldn't stop this, as desperately as she had wanted and tried to. She was going to lose him. They both were. And it was taking everything she had to not break completely, because she'd be damned if she was going to let Lilith see her fall apart. Alloces had moved in front of her, knowing that she was the weaker of the two, and yes he was going to protect them -- a debt was a debt, even if he would have gotten himself out eventually.

"Sam -- " Dean was pleading, straining against the ropes holding him in place and growling slightly when they wouldn't let him go. "Damnit, no!" His chest was heaving against the rage and the things that were holding him in place and he couldn't move. He couldn't move, and get to Sam, and stop him, and he wasn't ready for this. He was supposed to have months with Sam. He couldn't lose him now. Not now, not when he'd just come back.

It was a dance between them. Hands and feet flew, physical violence being the only thing Lilith was sure would eventually wear Sam down. After all, he was only human. But he was at that point - that beautiful point where his soul was so dark that she swore his eyes were no longer hazel as the irises widened out, growing nice and black.

At that same time they battled on the telepathic front. They fought against each other's telekinesis. Her little "light show" was useless on his immunity, so she funneled the power into her fists and mind as she tried to rip at his memories. Turning his insecurities against him. Finding those deep, dark painful things like Jess and being a freak, trying to break down his will.

Sam fought back, his brain starting to scream but he ignored the pain until he no longer felt it beyond another blow to his body. his nose was already bleeding, weakening him physically. Then she found that moment; forcing the memory of Dean and him in the couch that night at Mama's, just talking and being brother for the first time in years and twisted it in his head. He faltered a moment and Lilith smiled, pulling herself against Sam and grabbing his hair from behind, tilting his head back.

"It's been beautiful, Sam," she purred, her lips along his throat. "You're ready for Hell, and I've been waiting for you a long time, my love." Her other hand went to his throat, wrapping around his windpipe and starting to squeeze. "Say goodbye, Dean."

"Goodbye... Dean..." Sam growled, not giving his brother a chance to answer as he lifted a hand and put it on her forehead. There was a yellow light glowing through his fingertips, and as his palm touched her head, Lilith's eyes widened in horror.

No! This can't be! He's not supposed to know how to do this yet! she thought, and then screamed as she felt a searing pain rush through her body as he pressed a new power into her, burning away her essence from the body - an exorcism of light and will sending her to oblivion.

Sam's scream joined her, his eyes turning yellow and the light from his power filled the room. The other demons would be safe - Sam was only aiming it at Lilith - but it would blind everyone in the room a moment.

When the light faded, Sam was still standing, holding the limp... dead... teenager in his arms. His arms then just fell down, the girl crashing to the ground as he just swayed in his spot. Blood was streaming down from his nose as well as both ears. He blinked, then fell to his knees before crashing over on his side. Lifeless yellow eyes stared at Dean and Ruby, his body twitching to the slowing rhythm of his heart.

dean, ruby, sam, lilith, alloces, alec

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