Mar 15, 2010 09:43
BLOGGIIIINNNNG, blogging, bloggy blog blog. I'm just at school, killin' times. I hate my schedule this semester. It goes like this: go to class. Wait two hours. Go to two classes. Wait another hour. Go to another class. I should work during these breaks, but usually I stare into space. Today, however, I brought my DS! So I will be killing the time with LiveJournal and Pokemon. And a burrito I made in thirty seconds before leaving my house this morning. I hope it's edible.
I have chilled out considerably since last night. Of course I still don't know what I'm doing school-wise, though. The one thing I am considering is, unless somewhere gives me funding up front, deferring maybe one semester. I KNOW I KNOW as soon as you take a break from school it's so easy to just stop altogether. But at the same time, I'm feeling pretty burnt out, and a break to get myself moved and settled might just be what I need, if it doesn't have too many financial consequences. Hmm.
I had a friendly chat with a professor today about this stuff. He said it was better to pay at a better school if you could afford it, than to go to a worse one for free. Also if I went to WVU I should get a 4.0. To which I was all, lol. Then we made fun of a guy at a certain university which shall remain nameless who I have nicknamed "fancy glasses man", who drunkenly gives speeches he got off of Wikipedia. YOU SHALL NEVER KNOW THIS MAN'S TRUE IDENTITY.
My hair today is... I want to think I have a sort of 60s girl group thing going on, but it might be coming off more like Snookie. I don't know. On days when I get sort of dressed up I feel overdressed, and on days where I dress comfily I feel like a slob. I need more days where I hit that sweet spot in between.
I AM SORRY ABOUT THE STREAM-OF-CONSCIOUSNESS ESSAY GUYS JEEZ. Who do I think I am, William Faulkner? It's almost like I read the title of my journal and then decided to write an actual tale told by an idiot, in first person. Much like Faulkner.