Sep 12, 2007 19:43
I haven't really updated this thing in a while so why not write a bit about classes.
German 230 Intermediate German looks pretty good. I have the same teacher as last semester and what seems like a cool class. I just need to get into German mode again and it should be good. Still need to do a lot of studying of old verbs and nouns etc etc but everything else seems fine. A lot more listening comprehension which is nice but something I am having a hard time with.
Chem 315 Quantitative Chemistry. This class is making me question why the hell I am a chemistry minor. I loved orgo so I decided what the heck. Well this class is turning out to be absolutely insane. It looks like decent chemistry but super intensive statistical analysis of absolutely everything you do. It's a little crazy but it seems like an interesting class if I can survive the math that I haven't seen in about 6 years. This lab will be hell. We have 6 hours of class dedicated to the math for it so we don't fail...awesome.
Microbiology 310 Intro. Looks like an easy class. Have a german professor named Nuellein so thats cool. He seems really smart and is a great teacher the material now is just real boring. Looks fun though.
Microbiology 312 intro lab for micro majors. This lab is awesome. It seems easy and it has easily the best lab TA's I have ever had. Should be fun.
Microbiology 320 Disease and defense. Really complicated subject but very very interesting. Not sure about the professor yet as he is skimping on a ton of details but we are supposedly still overviewing stuff so we'll see.
Watching the police break up thousands of drunken college students is pretty hilarious. They cut the power to a few blocks of neighborhood causing the transformers to shine bright bright blue. Also watching police pull people over and immediately arrest them is funny as well.
2 days.