[...The morning of the twenty-seventh, the sun doesn't rise. And though Ran would usually have plenty of Christmas spirit leftover, she finds herself drained and running on empty, The darkness certainly doesn't help.]
...Does anyone know what happened? J-Jeez, I can't tell if I've overslept or if I haven't slept enough--
[There is a pause, as she attempts to get up from her bed; and a small lamp turns on as she shivers. A sigh escapes her lips.]
E-Either way, I hope everyone's been keeping warm, at least. For those of you celebrated Christmas...I hope it was a good one.
If anyone's awake to tell me,..I'd love to hear about it.
[There is a smile on her face, as the feed fades out--but there is something forced about it. Something forced about her whole act, really... click.]
-- filtered to Clive --
[Guess who was pretty surprised to find a gift outside the door on Christmas? : D;; If you look closely, you can actually see them neatly arranged, in the background of the feed--]
...Th-thank you so much for the stuffed animals. They're adorable; where did you find them in a dreary place like this?
(( OOC: So, I know things have been slow for Christmas & because of all this LJ failure; but of those of you who can still tag, I hope we can still keep trekking until a decision re: DW/LJ can be made. Happy holidays!! ;;
As a note: Ran will likely have gifts for her CR, namely Conan, Heiji (when Aster gets off hiatus), Adam, Clive, Flora, Kresnik and possibly Japan, too. I will probably say that Ran hasn't had a chance to give them out yet due to depression from the event and the weather; and for housemates, err, we can probably handwave a gift exchange if need be, or deal with it as it comes up. I'll be making a proper list of gifts soon, sob.
I guess I'll turn on custom comment pages for this too, so--sorry for the ugly. And thanks; really looking forward to this event! :> ))video