Visiting Post

Feb 21, 2007 10:48

Garion is in one of the beds in the infirmary where he's been since he came in yesterday. He's been asleep for most of it; his consciouness had been an effort of pure will kept up only in an attempt to lessen what worry his friends might have for him. This morning, however, his eyes did open (though it was something of an effort) and while he ( Read more... )

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golden_acorns February 21 2007, 16:23:49 UTC
A little voice comes over the amulet.

Garion, where are you?


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:24:45 UTC
I'm at the bar, still. Just... recovering from a little research.

He's not lying, but he does make it sound as if he's hung over instead of seriously injured.


golden_acorns February 21 2007, 16:28:44 UTC
Was that research on ales of the universe?

She does love to pounce her husband when he's hung over.


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:31:38 UTC
Oh, nothing so pleasant. But it has left me with the most horrible headache.

Still, not a lie.

How are the children?

And he tries not to let the faint desperation in his tone give him away, but the thought had been there, terrifying and true.

He might have died without seeing them again. Without saying goodbye to them. He might have left Geran to the throne, as scared and confused and even more unfit to rule than he had been. As fatherless. And Beldaran, his little girl... the idea of her crying for him and him not being there? Ever?

He feels worse than an idiot over the whole thing. The only thing that helps is remembering that he's alive and he will see them again.


golden_acorns February 21 2007, 16:38:10 UTC
They're just fine, dear.

And she catches that note in his voice.

Where are you? I'm coming to you.


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:40:04 UTC
I'm at the bar, as I said. And I'm just fine, no need to come.

At least, not yet.

He doesn't want to keep it from her, but he doesn't want her to see him like this. She never should have to see him like this.

You musn't leave the children, of course.

He'd pay for that later.


golden_acorns February 21 2007, 16:45:13 UTC
Now she is suspicious.

Garion, if something's wrong, I'm not staying here. And I can bring the children with me.


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:46:46 UTC
There's a long wait before he replies.

Come tomorrow. Please. I'd rather you didn't see me like this.

Another pause.

I love you, and the children. And I'd rather you not see me like this.


golden_acorns February 21 2007, 16:49:23 UTC
There's a long pause.

Belgarion, what is going on?


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:51:46 UTC
Nothing's 'going on', he says, no longer able to keep the fatigue from his tone, I just... threw myself into the work a little more than I should have.


golden_acorns February 21 2007, 16:54:30 UTC
She's very irritated, but she can tell how unwell he is, so she saves it for later.

Come home as soon as you're able and we'll speak about this further.


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:55:30 UTC
That won't be for at least a weak, maybe more, he admits after a moment.


golden_acorns February 21 2007, 16:57:50 UTC
We're not waiting a week to see you! Geran's asking for you.

The faint tones of a little voice can be heard over the amulet.


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:59:11 UTC
I'm in the infirmary.

His voice is tight. He hadn't wanted to tell her yet, didn't want to worry her.

I'm all right, but some things can't be rushed. Even with everything they have here.


golden_acorns February 21 2007, 17:04:15 UTC
There's a very long pause now.

We will speak about this later.


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 17:05:28 UTC
I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, Ce'Nedra--

He pauses.

I love you. And I love the children. And I'm sorry.


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