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Feb 21, 2007 10:48

Garion is in one of the beds in the infirmary where he's been since he came in yesterday. He's been asleep for most of it; his consciouness had been an effort of pure will kept up only in an attempt to lessen what worry his friends might have for him. This morning, however, his eyes did open (though it was something of an effort) and while he ( Read more... )

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chaotic_awesome February 21 2007, 16:20:26 UTC
Lack of movement aside, he'll probably notice the familiar ratty face poking into the room.

"Garion?" His voice is a little low at first.


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:21:12 UTC
Yes, Silk?

He's still talking like this. His mouth hurts and since he has an alternative, he's using it.


chaotic_awesome February 21 2007, 16:26:01 UTC
"Oh, good, you're awake." He slips into the room, and goes to sit by Garion's bed.

"That was an incredibly stupid thing you did," he says conversationally.


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:27:52 UTC
I'd agree with you, except I think if I tried to nod something might fall off.

He sighs, though.

It wasn't stupid until I got there and saw the kind of thing I was dealing with. The idea was sound.


chaotic_awesome February 21 2007, 16:33:44 UTC
"Garion... Look, I won't yell at you; Ce'Nedra alone will do that enough for all of us, to say nothing of your dear Lady Aunt. Or your Grandfather," he adds, after a brief pause for emphasis.

"But I'd like to know why you thought it was a good idea to go haring off to Karanda of all places, without at least saying, 'Hey Silk, do you have any idea how bad it is really out there?'"


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:37:30 UTC
I had Zakath's reports, and some from Porenn as well. I knew it was bad. But Silk, none of them have any idea HOW bad. There are THINGS the likes of which we've never seen, minor demons and all manner of--

A pause.

I wanted to get something done. I just wanted to make up for not catching this back when I should have.


chaotic_awesome February 21 2007, 16:39:06 UTC
"And you thought you could do it alone. You thought you could take on the forces of Hell alone, ad by all appearances, without your sword."

His voice is level. See? No yelling.


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:41:41 UTC
I wasn't charging into battle! I'm not MANDORALLEN, for goodness sake. I went to scout. That's all.

He sighs again.

It seemed as if anyone who got too close to it either got converted or killed or went mad. I didn't want to doom anyone else to that.


chaotic_awesome February 21 2007, 16:46:17 UTC
"Well, that's a slightly better idea," Silk replies. "But you still don't seem to have thought things through properly. Did you stop to think what would happen if you were found?"


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:47:41 UTC
There's no answer for almost a minute.

I did dress appropriately.


chaotic_awesome February 21 2007, 16:52:10 UTC
Silk's response is best summed up as follows: atomic facepalm.

"YOu know Garion, it strkes me that that might have been one situation where Mandorallen's idea of appropriate attire could just possibly have been correct. At least, it'd give you an extra secopnd or two while the demon peeled you out of it."


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 16:54:42 UTC
It wasn't a single demon, he says. There were at least a score of them, lesser demons and things that looked a little like the vampires here. I can only assume they're some sort of demon-tainted humans, but I don't know. And the villagers were even more insane then when we visited.

He looks at Silk.

And apparently there are THREE such bases in Karanda. Only three.


chaotic_awesome February 21 2007, 16:58:14 UTC
"Wonderful." Oh, taste the sarcasm.

"...You're sure about that number?"


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 17:00:36 UTC
Positive. I overheard a discussion. There were once SIX, but three have died since then and only three remain.


chaotic_awesome February 21 2007, 17:02:01 UTC
"We should get that to Zakath," he muses. "Any clue about their locations?"

Yes, there are things more important than chewing out Garion for being a royal idiot. Emphasis on the 'idiot.'


wellthrownstone February 21 2007, 17:04:22 UTC
One in Ganesia, one in Jenno, and one in Voresbo. I was in Ganesia and from what I heard, it's the most developed of the strongholds.


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