Feb 20, 2012 15:45
Just a note to remind everyone: while we encourage y'all to have fun in the run-up to the Allpocalypse, please remember that godding other characters is still a no-no. If you plan to do something that affects other characters, you still need to:
a) check in with a mod,
b) make a back room post letting people know, and,
c) include some kind of opt-out clause - that is, a built-in reason why characters/players can ignore what you're doing if they so choose.
(As an example, say you wanted to have all the doors to Milliways rooms spontaneously lock themselves. This would god other characters as being locked in/out of their rooms without their players' consent - so instead, you would need to make it so that, for example, only some doors are randomly locked, or that the doors seem to be locking and unlocking at random intervals, or etc. etc. That way, anyone who doesn't want to have to deal with door-locking shenanigans can easily handwave their door as being one of the ones that didn't lock/their character as having been asleep at the time/whatever.)
Thanks, guys.
mod post