Mar 08, 2007 13:08
Something complicated that I'm trying to get going that involves: The Bunny, YT, Ray Stantz, Boba Fett, and myself as Spider Nancy.
It's not so much a plot arc as it is an occurance that has to do with what Spider is up to. Well, it's actually TWO THINGS that he's up to.
First, he's been plotting against the Bunny, as he just doesn't like that guy's temper or dangerous attitude. Spider has enlisted the help of Ray and a decent computer on that front, and is currently negotiating a hit with Boba Fett. (NOTE: He asked Boba Fett not to kill, as there is no telling how powerful the Bunny really is.)
However, at the same time, he's trying to form together this karaoke party for Wolfwood, and that too also criss-crosses the Bunny's path, as well as Ray's. Why? Because Spider is inviting one and making sure the other is gonna be out of it. Nothing worse than a vorpel rabbit during a party. So, YT offered to get Ray's attention during a distraction.
Once I get Boba Fett finalized, I'd like to organize a combination of the two premises. That is, Spider distracting the Bunny while YT delivers the message of the party to Ray...all while Boba Fett does his bounty hunter thing. Hey, the guy killed the Surlak Pit. He deserves a shot at this.