Small character-arc plot beg.

Jul 02, 2006 14:57


So, once upon a time, there was an episode in canon that focused on another one of the prodigy that is Greg Sanders' abilities: this one a little weirder.

Apparently, Greg's a medium.

The transcript explains:
GRISSOM: I thought I paged Warrick on this.

(Grissom puts his kit down.)

GREG: Yeah, about that, uh, we traded days.

(Grissom shines his flashlight on Greg.)

GRISSOM: Because?

(Greg puts a hand up to block the light.)

GREG: Well, uh, it's a long story, but the short answer is I have an expertise
in the occult.

GRISSOM: Huh. Hello, David. What do you know?

(Grissom heads toward them. Sedona's body is located near the backroom

DAVID PHILLIPS: Gunshot to the chest. Liver temp is 98 degrees which is odd
unless she's running a fever. It means I can't give you an accurate TOD.

(Greg continues taking photos. David rolls the body over.)

DAVID PHILLIPS: Bullet was a through-and-through. Based on lividity, the body
wasn't moved.

GRISSOM: What's in the back room?

GREG: A small office. Probably where she did the readings. There's, uh,
incense, pendulum, jar of marbles. They're used for divining. It's hipper than
the old crystal ball.

GRISSOM: Where did you say your expertise comes from?

GREG: Oh, my grandmother, Nana Olaf. She was a psychic. She didn't have a
store. She just had a kitchen table and she prognosticated for free. She had a
sixth sense. And the family thinks that I might have inherited it.

So, I am kind of wanting to play with this. If you have a character who is of minor/major/whatever deity/magicthing status and might possibly want to play with poking around at medium!Greg (because we know from previious canon that you can trust Nana Olaf), you can comment. Character name, AIM/email/whatever, comments, etc.


You can comment. :)

(And no, world, I am not attempting to give Greg Magic Powers. Just poke at the sixth sense he might possibly already have, because the writers smile upon me.)
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