Apr 09, 2006 01:12
Hey. So this break was sorta fun. Like Florida was nice, but then we get back and I had to go to a funeral today. It was really sad and then it always makes me think of my family dying. Like soon my grandparents generation is going to die out and then my parents and then mine and its depressing. I also think of out of my sister and me who is going to die first, like which one of us will attend the others funeral and write something about the memories. I hate thinking about that, but I guess bad stuff has to go down.
I also dislike the fact that people think im jealous because ben has a girlfriend. And thats not why, its because he has done more things with her socially than he has with me and I've been best buds with him for a long time. Thats upsetting.
So is the fact that school starts in like a day. No good.