May 28, 2010 00:07
I've been having this feeling lately that I've been flailing - I haven't felt very grounded at all. I mean, I'm not out getting wasted and forgetting my name or anything like that... I just don't feel like I've set up any sort of routine for myself and that leaves me with this sense of discontent. I'm a very routine-oriented person and always have been. Since the spring semester ended, I haven't even been making any lists, which is just... not me at all.
So I started on a list last night, consisting mostly of laundry-related duties, but it's helped. It feels good to cross things out and get them off the list and out of my mind. I also made up my mind that I'm not going to slack anymore on homework. I have two online summer classes (well, one meets in person once a week - for three hours, ugh - but all the homework is turned in online) and those have never been easy for me to be diligent about. No more of that, though. We all know that school is not my favorite thing, but I've almost got my cumulative GPA up to a 3.0 and I really don't want to let it fall back down again because of being a big ol' lazybutt.
I've also decided I'm going to do each of the following things once a week:
-Pay a bill. I've let some of the less important ones pile up, not from a lack of funds, but from laziness. Damn the laziness.
-Knit or do something else semi-creative.
I cooked last night (some hybrid of a lemon-butter chicken Martha Stewart recipe and the Chicken Scampi from the Olive Garden), paid my AT&T bill yesterday, and I'm blogging right now. So I'm three for five and the week's still got three days in it. I'm doing okay. Obviously these are all things I'd like to do more than once a week, but baby steps, you know?
So I think this'll conclude my weekly blog entry. I was awake last night until 1:00 in the morning, with something resembling Restless Leg Syndrome (seriously, I thought I'd go bananas trying to find a comfortable position) while listening to the dogs bark at nothing and Kyle snoring. I think I should add a caveat to my blogging resolution: start on entries before 11 PM.
i have goals