he's not here...
I tried to switch my eyepatch to the other eye... covering my own. And I couldn't open my left eye. I even took the eye patch off and called out him. And... nothing. Nothing... So it doesn't even matter if I wear it or not... But I'll keep it on... in case of anything...
Heh, that Itachi character isn't that bad. I think we can get along...
And the pedophile... stay the fuck away from me and Akito. Seriously. Come near us and I'll fucking kill you.
Oh yeah, Luke. I wanna meet you. You wanna change right? I want to see the person who wants to stop being a whiny bitch and make a name for themselves.
And that great ninja girl or so you proclaim, I'm only going to tell you once... SHUT THE FUCK UP! GOD DAMN you're LOUD and ANNOYING.
And the blonde homo guy, heh heh heh... you might not be that bad either.
How do you like hell, red head?
[[Pedophile = Ichimaru - Red head = Asch / and this post is just saying hey to all of those character's he met. It's not like Agito are calling out these people or anything but your muse can sure take it that way]]