I bought a house

Sep 28, 2012 22:56

I Bought a place at auction this morning for $30,000

I also get the land underneath it. HOA fees are $72/month. It puts me about a mile from my old church.

The story behind the story:

As you know, I was having maintenance difficulties at my current apartment, Zona Village in Tucson, Arizona. No hot water for 5 days. Bracket where I hang my clothes on in closet broken, a/c condensation leaking everywhere. Mold and Mildew.

My friend Elizabeth, saw this property up for auction in her village, and told me about it Sunday night.

I had just gotten a new realtor a week ago. I called her, we had 6 hours to make a bid on the property. I bid $49,000. Well last night late, the auction house contacted the realtor and said, they couldn't accept my bid, because when I we entered the on-line bid, it was to close to the closing time, and they could NOT process the information. I did not find this out till this morning at 1:30 am, when I got my messages for the day.

I called the realtor at 8:30 am this morning, and I said...eh I really didn't want to go, but I asked her, what I needed to have if I did go. She said just the cashier's check, which I had gotten from my mom, earlier in the week. (another long story about how one bank was unable to process any data that day so she had to go to another bank)

Anyway, all the crap I had to put up maintenance wise with the current apartment, pushed me over the edge, so I said: "Let's go!" Skipped the physical therapy appt @ 9:15.

Got registered, and ooops - the first property up for auction was the one I wanted. So no chance to see how it works. Bid opened at $20,000, one other guy bid $25,000, I bid $30,000, and then it went to $32,500. Wait did the other guy bid $32,500 or was that just what he was wanting to get? By the time I figured it out, they were onto the next property. In 45 seconds, that property sold.

I had to wait till after the auction (about 10 minutes total for 7 properties), and I went up to the auctioneer and said: "Pardon my dumbness. Did I get this, or not? He said" "What is your number?" I said "defg." He said yes you got it. Really I didn't know it happened so fast.

So by going to the auction, I was able to undercut my original bid by $18,000, and it ending up selling for about 1/2 of what is was list ($57,900) -- it is as is -- so what's wrong with it, is what's wrong with it. But I own the land underneath it.

We'll see. Sounds like something God might do.



church, house, maintenance, zona village

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