Well I've been spending a lot of time with the Xbox 360, so it's time to post about it.
First of all, Gears of War hit 3 million copies today. That's about 40,000 copies a day since last month, when it hit 2 million. Pretty fucking crazy.
Microsoft has started to treat the young franchise as another Halo/Bungie. The games are going to be released in alternating years and Microsoft will oversee them as closely (or with as much care?) as Bungie. That's exciting for we, the addicted gamers, whose worst enemy is time.
Speaking of the Bunginators, check this quote by the techinal lead over there:
'We had about four to five weeks to polish Halo at the end. No more than that. And that last five per cent is responsible for 30 per cent of the success of the game, or more. The entire game came together within that four- to six-week period.
We had none of that for Halo 2. Take that polish period and completely get rid of it. We miscalculated, we screwed up, we came down to the wire and we just lost all of that. So Halo 2 is far less than it could and should be in many ways because of that. Even the multiplayer experience for Halo 2 is a pale shadow of what it could and should have been if we had gotten the timing of our schedule right. It's astounding to me. I fucking cannot play Halo 2 multiplayer. I cannot do it. And that's why I know Halo 3 is going to be so much better.'
They are finally starting to admit some things, I guess. It's not an indictment on the entire game or it's process, but close enough in my book. Apology accepted.
The quote comes, somewhat bastardized, from an enormous look at the new Bungie by Edge. If you have the time or enthusiasm, read up on it. It's pretty exciting.
http://www.edge-online.co.uk/archives/2007/01/inside_bungie.php I'm actually starting to get pumped for Halo 3. BETA IN A FEW MONTHS!
What does everybody think? And another thing I'll throw out there:
Xbox winning console war?
Wii doin' just fine but that's all?
PS3 flopping as hard or harder than I previously imagined?
Do it up real big, family.