Nov 19, 2006 15:19
The PS3 has, quite possibly, the worst launch titles of all time. I wouldn't cross the fucking street to play a PS3 right now, much less pay the nearly criminal tag price for the damn thing. Plus with the lack of any significantly fresh online play, I honestly believe that the PS3 is nothing but new graphics.
Woopdey-fucking-do. Now I can count the hairs on Eli Manning's nutsack when he's in a pile up in dat Madden '0(n).
My wish: That the genius developers of games like Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and the like realize that they are not being carried by Sony and Playstation, but that it is exactly the opposite. Then, they can take their business to Microsoft and Nintendo so they can actually offer us a significantly innovative gaming experience.
The Reality: People will buy every PS3 in the fucking world on Ebay for a price EVEN MORE ridiculous than the one asked. The system will then coast through it's piss poor initial launch on rehashed, borderline unethical titles like Madden ot seven.
Honestly, game lovers, who gives a fuck about any of these titles: Madden 07 (already mentioned), Ridge Racer 7 (That's right, they made fucking seven), NBA 07 (Do sports fans constantly forget the year and have to be reminded or something because I'm noticing a trend here), and Dark Kingdoms (which, apparently, is even worse than the affore mentioned titles. That's a feat in itself. Maybe that's because it dosn't have a 7). All the other games aren't even worth making fun of. They were either developed for other platforms and made the jump shakily or are more games ending in '07.
Sony, step your game up. You can't expect your fan base to rely on unconcious consumerism for very long before they finally wake up and taste the swill your jamming down their throats.
In related, less enraging news, I've been playing Gears of War. I think this is the best sit down and play shooter since Halo. And like Halo, it's a shortish campaign with infinite replay value because of the incredibly varied difficulty. Except now, instead of the enemies just getting insanely overpowered, they get smarter as the difficulty level rises. It's a fun game, I'm glad it's around.
Also Tonii bought a Wii. Hii and I plan on playing Tennis in our boxers later, scrotums flapping gloriously in the wind as the virtual ball bounces back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...
Anyone else have opinions on this new generation of gaming, in which we are now fully immersed?