Feel free to delete if OT

Aug 02, 2006 02:59

I just posted this in my journal. But (alas!), my journal is 'friends only'. So here it is for the benefit of all.

My slash-obsessed little brain has exploded. The walls are covered in medulla oblongota (:p). And if Cillian Murphy does indeed return as the Scarecrow (as I know we pray will happen) ...

I'd really thought they'd go with someone less well-known. But I could scarcely be more pleased, as I adore Heath Ledger. My only regret is that they'll turn his GORGEOUS (c'mon. Admit it. He's got the world's best smile) into something creepy. Which I full expect they could and... Really, a little creepiness never bothered the likes of us.

I've just heard the news, this evening, from a friend. And I've checked a few sources (below)... I believe it. Or I want to, and that's about the same thing.




Could this be a new element for Wayne/Crane? Will there be an unholy (but not unwelcome) number of Joker/Crane fics? Batman/Joker... ménage à trois? I really am hoping this doesn't turn out to be some elaborate hoax, and I've just made a royal arse of myself. But it seems fairly legit at the moment.

Again, if this is considered OT, I'll delete the post. But as it will strongly (I believe) affect W/C with the release of the next movie, I thought it very much 'on' topic.



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