TITLE: Little Boy Blue
owlgreyPAIRING: Billy and Elijah
SUMMARY: Elijah has some of the qualities of the old Nursery Rhyme 'Little Boy Blue', but not quite in the innocent way they were intended.
CONTENT/WARNING: Wicked distortion of a nursery rhyme.
DISCLAIMER: This story is 100% fiction…of course!
FEEDBACK: I'd love to know what you think of this!
silvan_lady who did me a big favour at the last minute.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is set in present day, with my hope that Billy be cast in The Hobbit being true.It was written for the
waymeet Nursery Rhyme Challenge. My prompt rhyme was:
Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn,
The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn.
Where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
He's under a haycock, fast asleep.
Will you wake him? No, not I,
For if I do, he's sure to cry.
As much as he adored him, sharing a trailer with Elijah was an experience. Billy would enter, never knowing what he would hear or see.
There was the time he'd walked in to the vision of Elijah bent over double, mouth gaping. Billy immediately wished he'd downloaded that app onto your iPhone where you could contact St. John's Ambulance and they would talk you through what to do in an emergency. Some guy had saved his best friend using that. Instead, he was frantically trying to remember what the number for emergency services was in New Zealand. He'd heard somewhere if you just dialled 911 they would put you through to anywhere in the world, He was about to try that when a voice came from the doubled over body.
“Damn it! I just can't reach far enough!”
“You okay Lij?” Billy ventured. It seemed like an eternity before Billy got a response, and he had his cell phone at the ready.
“Am now. You can do it for me.” Elijah's head bobbed up, and Billy could now see his boxers were around his knees, and his cock was erect.
“What the fuck are you doing Lij?” Billy had to ask.
“I was trying to blow myself,” Elijah said in a matter of fact tone as if it happened every day. “I just can't reach though. Would you mind doing it for me Bills? I've been thinking about it all day.” Elijah's blue eyes engaged him pleadingly. “You know how it is when something gets into your mind and you just can't shake it off; like when you have an earworm?”
“Earworm?” Billy asked. Always there was a question following a question following a question when you dealt with Elijah.
“Get a song stuck in your head,” Elijah explained. “You know those times you hear something on the radio and then you can't stop singing it. He started off a few bars of 'Eye of the Tiger.' Billy finished off the rest of the song without even realising what he was doing. Elijah waited patiently until he had finished and then nodded towards his cock as a reminder. “So Bills do you mind? I've really been looking forward to this all day and you're here now. You just can't blow your own horn it seems; gotta get someone else to do it. I need my best mate's help.”
Then there had been the sheep incident. Billy was drunk that time; a night out on the town with Dom had turned even more bizarre when on his return he'd walked in on Elijah and a very large toy sheep.
Cell phone crooked under his arm, Elijah's conversation could blow even the mind of a drunken Scotsman.
“You know dude I just don't get that whole sheep shagging thing,” he'd said as he inflated the sheep even further.
“LIj no! For Christ's sake no! I'll take care of your itch, like I did when you were trying to fellate yourself.” Billy wondered through his drunken haze where he'd pulled a big word like 'fellate' from.
“Bills I'm not going to fuck the sheep.” Elijah rolled his eyes. “We have a rally tomorrow.”
Billy had retired to bed; the room swimming around him as he contemplated what sort of rally involved an air pump and an inflatable sheep.
It was the next day, as Elijah proudly marched through the streets of Wellington trailing last night's sheep and the new addition of a plastic cow, that it all became clear.
“Sheep in the meadow, cows in the corn!
Keep our animals where they were born.”
Elijah led the chant, plastic sheep and cow following behind him ludicrously. His passion for the message he paraded marked his face; blue eyes steely as he marched next to an elderly woman, who held a simple hand-made sign, 'Don't eat animals'. They made a contrasting pair; the woman blissfully unaware she was being escorted by a celebrity, and Elijah stopping to speak only to press who promised to promote his message of animal rights.
“If every person even just had a meatless Monday, or thought about how the wool for their jumper, or the leather for their shoes was produced, we'd not only have a healthier planet and people, but we'd save millions of animals.”
The little old lady joined in. “The boy with the blue eyes is right,” she added hugging Elijah's arm in tighter. “I've been a vegetarian all my life. Think how many animals have been saved over those eighty two years.” Elijah nodded and patted her arm, and a flock of photographers ran over to take more photos.
Billy left Lij to his cause, He knew that intense expression, and he knew to leave him to it. Elijah could work a crowd and the press like a pro; he'd been doing it all his life.
When Billy got home he found Elijah slumped exhausted, tangled up in a mess of blankets and surrounded by pamphlets he'd collected during the rally. Tissues littered the floor, and it was obvious that this time they hadn't been used for some unusual sexual practice. Tell-tale red rimmed Elijah's eyes. Billy went to waken him for dinner but stopped when he saw the contentment of a well-earned slumber on his face. The he spotted the image on the top brochure. It shocked even meat eating Billy. He had endured Elijah's diatribes every time he ate lamb or bought a wool jumper. Now he understood. This was that thing mulesing Lij had spoken of with such furious anger that his fists had clenched and his voice had cracked. Now Billy understood why the usually crass potty-mouthed joking Elijah would sometimes go quiet and he would disappear. Hours later he would return, his eyes reddened and a determined look on his face as he called some publication called 'Vegan Spotlight' or 'Famous Furry Friends' to push his cause to the converted.
Billy left him to sleep. Elijah had shed enough tears today.