Cold pizza for breakfast...

Aug 03, 2009 11:38

... warm coffee to wash it down. And maybe some sweet corn ice cream to follow.

Thursday I took MegaBus to New York and bought ribbon for making rosette and armbands for the ATM morris kit at the amazing all-ribbon all-the-time Shindo, plus elastics at the similarly amazing Pacific Trimming (both an easy walk from Penn Station, for all y'all fabric arts folk who find yourselves in New York).

That was half the trip; the other half was a morris tour with Bouwerie to celebrate The White-Haired Boy's return from Japan for a few weeks. Had a nice coffee with N while waiting for everyone else to arrive, in which I learned he was from Mt. Airy. Later that evening I learned two of the other Bouweries are from Virginia. How odd--I'd always assumed they were all lifers. The scheduled dancing-to-drinking ratio was intentionally low to promote socializing, and attendance was high. It was a fine afternoon. I highly recommend the public house d.b.a. (walk through to the secret back garden) and the East Village Tavern. I did one dance and had a cider and two beers, and upon later reflection consider the final beer to have been a tad unwise.

I got back later than planned when the MegaBus broke down on the New Jersey Turnpike, but only slightly later because our driver and MegaBus handled it extremely professionally and efficiently. It was clear leaving New York that something was amiss--the bus handled terribly. Not far onto the Turnpike, the driver announced he had to turn off the bus for a minute and then turn it back on, and we pulled over and did that. About five minutes after we were underway again, he announced we would be pulling into a rest area and waiting for a replacement bus which was already dispatched.

We pulled off near exit 11, at which point the driver told us the replacement bus was just behind us near exit 12, and within ten minutes it arrived, we boarded, and were underway again on a healthy bus which got us to Philadelphia only thirty minutes down. The whole affair was well communicated to passengers and well-handled by the driver (apologetic for the delay but emphasizing that this was the safest course of action) and the company (which dispatched a replacement bus immediately and clearly had a plan and resources to handle such events). Kudos to MegaBus!

I've got a lot of sewing to do this week, plus packing for two back-to-back vacations 3,000 miles apart. Also, the public schedule for the American Travelling Morrice is now online.
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