Stupid Lansdowne

Jul 15, 2009 15:13

Yesterday I walked out to my car and discovered someone had parked on the street blocking the driveway! This is a fairly quiet residential street which has parking on both sides and there were perhaps four cars parked on the entire block (every house has a driveway). There was a woman on the neighbor's front porch about to enter the house, and I called to her and asked if that was her car. "Oh, do you need to go somewhere?" Um, yes, thanks? So she gets into her car, backs up twenty feet along the curb (into a totally legal parking spot!!!), lets me out, and then pulls forward to exactly where she was, completely blocking the driveway, gets out, and goes back to the neighbor's house.


Today, the pushy kid who comes around every couple weeks asking to do odd jobs came to the door while I was on the phone on a call that couldn't be interrupted, especially for pushy-kid who always just comes over and demands to be given an odd-job (and $$$) and won't take "sorry, but J isn't home, and I don't know when he will be" for an answer until the third or fourth iteration, at which he tends to storm off unhappily. He rang the bell. And again. And again. And again. And knocked. And knocked. And rang. And pounded. And pounded harder. And then, for all the world, it sounded like he took a running kick at the door. The windows rattled. I finally got off the phone, and things had been silent for a minute. He was, thankfully, gone.

If he comes back, I'm uncertain whether I should point out that his actions were inappropriate and unwelcome or what.
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