Do not feel bad about your mighty rant, because I'm probably going to do the exact same thing..! ♥
OKAY. Where to start, where to start. I desperately want to put this in some sort of order.. but I'm bound to end up rambling. Forgive me, yes?
Well, we know in canon Sakura's opinion of Lee has drastically changed from their first meeting. The point of this isn't to go on and on about my thoughts on canon jargon though, so I'll just get to the point- that how she thinks of him is still changing and her feelings are constantly morphing. Various events and the amount of time they've spent together at camp have all greatly influenced the way she currently feels about Lee, and I shall now attempt to cover that! I'll try to limit the topics. |D;
Let's go back, waaay baaack. To the date. It ended with her running off to woo Kon thanks to the pink goo, but up until that point..? She had been enjoying spending time alone with Lee. It certainly wasn't anything major, but this was the first time it had ever really hit her that she actually had some sort of interest in him. Though, she didn't necessarily realize it, that idea was still there in the back of her mind. I'm going to cover the whole "denial" thing later. OH YES.
Then, of course, there was the Crot!Sakura incident. By this time she was already much closer to Lee than when he first arrived at camp, though had this happened the day of his arrival she probably would have taken the same course of action. It's the thoughts which rushed through her head before she took the bullet which would have been different. Sakura, of course, has issues with being too weak to defend those close to her. She wants to be able to hold her own. That was partially why she took the bullet for Lee. More so, though, it stemmed from the fact that she could not fathom what it would be like to lose him. The thought of him no longer being with her traumatized Sakura. He had basically become part of her everyday existance, one of those things where if it goes missing you just don't function quite the same. She took that bullet because he could not die and that was that.
Now skipping ahead to some time later, we have the chain letter incident. Emo, ahoy. Lee's death hit Sakura hard, to say the VERY least. All of those things which had gone through her mind during the Crot!Sakura incident, oh hey, came true. She could not come to terms with the fact that she had lost him, it was absolutely not supposed to happen. The fact that she couldn't do a single thing about it made it even harder on her. Even though she had thought about how it would feel if he was gone, Sakura was completely unprepared to deal with this. Only 1 other incident had caused her as much pain, which would be (non)dead Sasuke- Lee's death was even harder on her than when Sasuke left. Which caused her to think. A lot. Lee pain being on the same level as Sasuke pain? He had meant more to Sakura than she had realized, which made the whole situation worse. "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone" scenario. Of course, after freezer-stuffing and Pac-Man hunting, they managed to bring him back. To say that Sakura was ecstatic would be an understatement. Since the moment she'd lost him, all she wanted was to have him back. Still.. Everything which had dawned on her due to his death, she ended up keeping inside. Mostly out of fear, uncertainty and confusion.
OKAY. Where to start, where to start. I desperately want to put this in some sort of order.. but I'm bound to end up rambling. Forgive me, yes?
Well, we know in canon Sakura's opinion of Lee has drastically changed from their first meeting. The point of this isn't to go on and on about my thoughts on canon jargon though, so I'll just get to the point- that how she thinks of him is still changing and her feelings are constantly morphing. Various events and the amount of time they've spent together at camp have all greatly influenced the way she currently feels about Lee, and I shall now attempt to cover that! I'll try to limit the topics. |D;
Let's go back, waaay baaack. To the date. It ended with her running off to woo Kon thanks to the pink goo, but up until that point..? She had been enjoying spending time alone with Lee. It certainly wasn't anything major, but this was the first time it had ever really hit her that she actually had some sort of interest in him. Though, she didn't necessarily realize it, that idea was still there in the back of her mind. I'm going to cover the whole "denial" thing later. OH YES.
Then, of course, there was the Crot!Sakura incident. By this time she was already much closer to Lee than when he first arrived at camp, though had this happened the day of his arrival she probably would have taken the same course of action. It's the thoughts which rushed through her head before she took the bullet which would have been different. Sakura, of course, has issues with being too weak to defend those close to her. She wants to be able to hold her own. That was partially why she took the bullet for Lee. More so, though, it stemmed from the fact that she could not fathom what it would be like to lose him. The thought of him no longer being with her traumatized Sakura. He had basically become part of her everyday existance, one of those things where if it goes missing you just don't function quite the same. She took that bullet because he could not die and that was that.
Now skipping ahead to some time later, we have the chain letter incident. Emo, ahoy. Lee's death hit Sakura hard, to say the VERY least. All of those things which had gone through her mind during the Crot!Sakura incident, oh hey, came true. She could not come to terms with the fact that she had lost him, it was absolutely not supposed to happen. The fact that she couldn't do a single thing about it made it even harder on her. Even though she had thought about how it would feel if he was gone, Sakura was completely unprepared to deal with this. Only 1 other incident had caused her as much pain, which would be (non)dead Sasuke- Lee's death was even harder on her than when Sasuke left. Which caused her to think. A lot. Lee pain being on the same level as Sasuke pain? He had meant more to Sakura than she had realized, which made the whole situation worse. "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone" scenario. Of course, after freezer-stuffing and Pac-Man hunting, they managed to bring him back. To say that Sakura was ecstatic would be an understatement. Since the moment she'd lost him, all she wanted was to have him back. Still.. Everything which had dawned on her due to his death, she ended up keeping inside. Mostly out of fear, uncertainty and confusion.
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