I got bored.

Sep 13, 2005 12:56

So here's what I did.

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1) What languages does urmomsamuffin speak? Just English. I don't think she pays much attention in French class.
2) Does bucklett have a crush on curlyerin? Laura is not a lesbian, but I bet she does anyway. Who doesn't have a crush on Erin?
3) If benbs and urmomsamuffin were spliced together, what would be its name? Beyleigh. Or Ken.
4) Would you wrestle ianmj14551 in jello? I don't like jello very much. Give me a call when you get some whipped cream.
5) Is sheepsaysmoo athletic? She plays tennis.
6) Did ianmj14551 break up with you? No. This question is slightly ironic.
7) If pennylane1919 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? She already is a superhero, and her archnemesis is Woznick.
8) How tall is pennylane1919? Um, average? I don't know how tall anyone is. :-P
9) What is ambergrace's favorite game? I don't know. DDR?
10) Does hotassdave have a big secret? Everyone does.
11) Is hotassdave introverted or extroverted? Extroverted to the max.
12) What animal does davidgsays remind you of? Something sexy. Like a penguin.
13) If ianmj14551 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? This question is ridiculous, Ian would never command an army. He's a gay liberal.
14) Is ghettochellay single? I think so.
15) What flavor of jello would bijin_seishin be? Why always the jello? I suppose if I had to choose, she'd be strawberry. Because strawberries are sexy.
16) If davidgsays took over the world, who would suffer? Straight people.
17) Would you make out with intdesignerboy? Probably not. Sorry Brandon. :-P
18) Thoughts on wozzy? I love her and I need to see her very soon.
19) If ianmj14551 were hanging off a cliff, what would bohemianrhythm do? I'd like to say that she'd save him, but truthfully she'd probably get distracted by a butterfly or by something shiny.
20) What song/movie would you recommend to pinwheel25? De-Lovely. All music/theatre people should see this.
21) Does colormania travel a lot? I don't think so.
22) Is sinceremelodies popular? She's certainly popular amongst the homos. ;-)
23) What is wozzy allergic to? Nothing, I don't think.
24) curlyerin's hair color? Brown. What a boring question.
25) Has alitoid been to your house/dorm? She's been to my house, but not to my new dorm.
26) Do chichfl6 and tofumice go to the same school? Not even close. Next question!
27) Which president would wozzy be likely to idolize? George W. Bush. No, I'm kidding. Elise wouldn't idolize any president, none of them are liberal enough.
28) How long would operaprincessa dating davidgsays last? Not very long, Dave likes the penis.
29) Are bucklett and colormania going out? No they are not. Once again...Laura is not a lesbian. And neither is Lauren, for that matter.
30) Has pinwheel25 dyed their hair? Um, I don't know. Probably?
31) Is davidgsays 1337? No.
32) Would bucklett and fruhead56 make a good couple? Laura, why do they keep making you a lesbian?!
33) When did you last call sinceremelodies? Um...yesterday? I know I talked to her on IM for a while last night.
34) How would colormania kill rhapsody831? Lauren wouldn't kill anyone!
35) What video game does bubblangel7 remind you of? Something cute. Like Ms. Pac-Man.
36) Is ianmj14551 friends with bit513? They've never met, but they probably would be friends. Liz is adorable.
37) Have you ever dated ianmj14551? Yes. My first boyfriend.
38) What would you do if you found out davidgsays has a crush on you? Make out with him immediately. He's pretty.
39) Is intdesignerboy dead sexy? Naturally.
40) Would puffylov go out with fortunecookie13? HAHA. Best lesbian couple ever!
41) What would meeshelle17 give kandre22 for his/her birthday? They don't know each other, so I'm assuming nothing.
42) Where did you first meet urmomsamuffin? I don't recall, actually. During school somewhere, probably in something music related.
43) Does puffylov do drugs? Absolutely not.
44) Does pinwheel25 go to your school? She did until she graduated last year.
45) Is kandre22 a college student? Indeed. Canisius College in the B-lo.
46) If wozzy and tofumice were spliced together, what would it be like? Half Asian, half gelatinous blob.
47) If bit513 had a superpower, what would it be? Probably speaking to animals.
48) What do you agree with puffylov about? I don't know. A lot, probably.
49) If rocstar881 and bucklett were siamese twins, where would they be joined? Haha. Well I could give a sexual answer, but I will refrain from that and just say by the hips.
50) Does operaprincessa have a dog? Um...yes? I don't remember if she does or not.
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