I am not the first Portlander to note that today's weather has been a bit odd. From my vantage point here at work, I've looked up into a beautiful blue and white-puff-cloud sky for most of the day. Meanwhile, to the East and West of my workplace, dark clouds have been piling up, and even dropping frozen bits of H2O on folks. Now, finally, the sky grows dark above me. We may be in for some heavy snow/sleet/hail this fine evening. Time to get out of here and make sure we have food, water, and candles in the house - just in case.
But before I go, I wanted to share with you some of the benefits of eating spicy foods. Scientists have discovered what hot food lovers and Chinese herbalists have known for a long time: Spicy food is good for you. Specifically, the capsaicin in peppers can help kill cancer cells. Now I have one more reason to enjoy hot Mexican, Indian, and Thai food. And my own burn-your-eyes-while-cooking-it stirfry...
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