
Aug 01, 2006 21:18

Most of the time things are really fucked up.
But i've become pretty indifferent to it.

Baby we can stop. I'm already dead. Stop Nanana-ooooo.
Already dead. Uh-huh. Yeahhhh.

School starts on Thrusday. I got my schedule today.
I'm excited in some ways. I have a lot to prepare for.
Tomorrow is my last day of summer.
I keep applying for jobs. But they all say Eff you, basically.

What the hell.

I dislike Tom Waits. And i'm not sorry about it.
However, I do like this song i'm listening to by The Raconteurs.
Blue Veins.

I'm not sure what to say to most anyone anymore.
I mean, I feel like so much happens, that when someone asks me what
is new, I almost get offended because they think I can just fit everything into a window.
So i've grown accustom to saying "Oh not a lot. Just getting ready for school. Looking for a job." Add a nod
and they are out of your hair until the next person comes along and tries the same thing.

I have a feeling i'm going to be getting a lot of "You're not the same as you used to be" sometime soon.
That will suck. But there's nothing i can do about it. I'm not the same anymore. A lot has changed with me.
But a lot of people don't care to be there during that time, and I therefore don't care to explain.
If I did explain it and if they understood, maybe they wouldn't mind the change.

I met an interesting person the other day. He reminds me of the way I used to be.
I used to go into depth in my thoughts about every single thing that meant absolutely nothing,
but was somehow intriguing when I started explaining it--well at least to the people that kept up.
And to others, I just got this look and a "you think too much."

I don't think I've really had any depthy thoughts lately. That's completely not like me.
Maybe that's why I don't have much to say.
I need some solitude. I guess that's what I need. And maybe some pot.

Alright well that's it for now.

(Now all anyone's listening for are the mistakes.)

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