Jan 07, 2008 17:21
Well, desperation has completely sunken in. With my credit card bill, phone bill, insurance, car payment, & tuition looming in the verrrrrry distant future, I sucked up my pride & decided to beg Matt for my job back at Uno's. The fact that I have $5 in my wallet & $6 in my checking account was the deciding factor. My mother & I went in to Uno's today just to have lunch & everyone kept telling me to come back. But, I had initially heard that Matt put me in the computer as unrehirable because I flipped shit in there one night & called Alex a cunt. Everyone kept telling me to just talk to him since he loves me so much. So, I texted Nick & told Nick to put in a good word. Nick called on his way into work & promised he would talk to Matt for me. Matt told him to tell me to come in tonight to talk to him & maybe I can come back, but he's not promising anything. So, at 8:30 I have to go grovel to Matt. HAHA. I hope this works out.
I realize working there made me miserable, but what's more important? Being miserable or being able to pay for school? Being miserable or having my car repoed? Ya know? In the long run, if I can go back it will be worth it for me. My uniform is clean & good to go & so am I. It's only been two months, I remember everything about the place, the menu. I know it all. I really hope this works out.
I already told Nick that even if I come back it means nothing about him & I. He's basically over me & I'm over him. Plus, even though nothing has happened yet with Jay I actually like him & want to get to know him better & I know he likes me. I don't want to jeapordize something that could be good because of Nick.
Well, we'll see how everything works out tonight.
OH & MY AUNT MOVED OUT! THANK GOD I HAVE MY ROOM BACK. Things with her living here have been very tension filled & horrible. Last night everything blew up & she peaced out a week before she was supposed to. I don't care. She's moving back to Florida which is for the best. HOLLA AT HAVING MY OWN ROOM AGAIN!