May 28, 2010 16:24
Well I'm back in America now... and so I thought I'd write a little LJ post! WOW!! God... I really am so bad with this thing... ::hides from foxy wrath:: n.n;; but yeah! I was stuck in Canada for six hours... x.x; stupid storms over NYC and Newark apparently... so that was fun, eh? Heheheh... so after all that, I'm back in New Jersey and my little Muki is so excited to see me. She climbed up in my lap and nuzzled me like crazy and then slept curled up by my legs all night n.n it's so amazing how loyal she is.
It's great to be back... but there are sad sides ;_; I miss my shmoo... I don't like to think of Jai being all alone in the apartment... but I'm also so so so so soooooo proud. And in two months I'll be back and we'll have an awesome summer! And we have to RP and play second lif n.n yaaaay!
Also... my family has basically neglected my fish and left him to suffer on his side at the bottom of the tank with a gimp Nemo fin... x.x and the day I arrived he died. I was hoping to put him down humanel... but kinda too late for that. Aaaaah well. He's at peace now. RIP Sayid.
Aaaaaaanyway... guess that's all for now XD let's try to write more in this over the next two months... YEAH!!!