Jul 07, 2005 17:21
Hey I havn't written in here for a LONG ass time! wtf is wrong with me? well lets see I havn't been doing much this summer just hanging out with the same old peole Breianne and Jon G (since he comes with the package) James Zac Max Anneta blah blah blah I don't feel like writting all the people but anyways. I've been trying to hang out with My sister Lisa more. She's been going through a hard time and I really wanna be there for her. I think we are going to Cedar Point soon! fuck yes! I talked to Britney Bug yesterday and I was sooo excited! She got in a really bad mo-ped crash and had to go to the hospital but now shes at home all bandaged up with a few raw spots on her body. But luckily she's ungrounded! Yay so i'll deffintly be hanging out with her 24 7! I kinda miss school! that sounds so gay but I have so much fun at school and I miss everyone even tho I saw them all at the fireworks but thats not enough! I still havn't seen Jess or Laura this summer and I havn't even talked to them! wth?! My cousins graduation party is this saturday and I better see all of my sweet ass cousins there! thats you lindsey megan and Dave! Even tho I don't hang out with David that much lol. But I Think Breiannes coming since my family loves her and invites her to all of my family parties! yes she's part of the lekich/fouchia family! wooooop I love you Breianne! Me and Breianne have been having some interesting nights this summer but over all it's pretty damn boring and nothing worth writting about! Last summer kicked ass this summer kicks the curb! does that make since? lmao I don't think so but o well. ok well I'm gonna go cuz I get so sick of writing in this gay thing! hope to see you all this summer!