So....did anyone else have commercials with fairy tale themes out the wazoo?
Do you need a glass of water? Got Mr. Bear tucked in next to you? Okay...all set then...
I wasn't spazzing & bouncing & hyperventilating as much as I did last week. But I found this episode to be engaging & satisfying in a much more quiet fashion.
I thought the fairy tale frame worked. They're stories that everyone is familiar with & a ton of exposition & detail wasn't really necessary. That being said....I swear to god Kripke & Co have never met an anvil they didn't like. much did I laugh at the first wolf being linked to as Wiley E. Coyote who also never met an anvil he didn't like. Nice tip of the hat to all of us who bitch about the anvils from week to week. *Waves at Kripke!*
A few things that I really really liked...
The fight in the car. Lover's quarrel or typical sibling throw down? All in your perspective I'd say, but hands down my favorite part? Sam yelling "Well you're not Dad!" And the cut to Dean bathed in the red light. SWOON.
Plant & Page. Oh Kripke...I wish you could afford to use a Led Zeppelin song or two.
Other geeky moment that I'm sure only I will spazz about? Sam's notebook was a lovely little Moleskine pocket reporter! Which happens to match the one I have in my purse. \o/ Geeky Notebook Fetish FTW!
And it's anvil time..."He killed my brothers! How would you feel?" "I can't imagine anything worse." Yeah Sam. We know. Walk a mile in Dean's shoes....
Love the lingering shot on the pie in the Hansel & Gretel section. It's all about the pie. *g*
"Dude could you be more gay? ... Don't answer that..." And that Krpiked how many fan fics? A gazillion?
And let's have another anvil shall we? "Just my daughter & me...she's all I have left."
How much do I love that Sam knows fairy tales but Dean knows movies. Between the two of them, they cover the geeky spectrum.
Let's talk about the lighting in this episode? Bright bright bright! Oh how I love the lighting this season. It makes the boys glow. (And god could they be any better looking? It's illegal how good they look!) Anyway lighting....bright, sunny...a lovely contrast to the dark aspect of the original fairy tales which are Grimm...(sorry, I had to get a pun in there somewhere!)
And gosh I think it's anvil time again...."It was time for me to let her go..." OUCH! Watch those toes will ya!
All in all...a nice average episode. Nothing horribly bad...way too many anvils per usual, but the boys had good funny lines, looked hot as can be with their guns & spent a lot of time together.
But the last 10 minutes....JESUS FUCK.
"That's some good advice..."
"Is that what you want me to do Dean? Just let you go?"
Oh boys...jesus fuck! I had to rewatch that scene a few times. The chemistry between the two of them was just incandescent. And to have Dean walk down that hospital hall & have Sam standing there watching him....such a nice hark back to IMTOD. Just gave me shivers....
And Sam, Sam, Sam...sneaking out on Dean never ends well. Loved loved the moon outside morphing into the moon in the painting above Dean's bed. And please note...Dean was asleep in the bed not closest to the door. Was that a first????
Sam & the crossroads demon. Before I get to the meat...holy crap. Sandy? She's a lovely cute as a button woman who should bitchslap the makeup department for making her look absolutely awful. Her face color did not match her body. Her hair didn't move. It was horrifying. And her voice...*winces a bit*. (I felt kinda bad watching her. The comparisons between her chemistry with Jared in that scene & the previous one with Jared & Jensen...not in her favor.)
But back to the interesting stuff. What did we learn? One, it's not the original Colt? Um..huh? Because it was modified or repaired? Or was there another one? Or is this just a sloppy bit of exposition? Two, she's had dealings with Ruby in the past & there's no love lost there. Ruby's been a pain in her ass before. I find this all kinds of intriguing. What else? Oh yeah, the CRD doesn't have the authority to break that deal. (She's just middle management.) It's her boss who holds the actual contract for Dean's soul and really really wants to keep it! Oh and sorry that pesky confidentiality clause prohibits her from telling Sam the boss' name. (Yeah let's bet on that one....I'm gonna go with Lucifer.)
It was interesting to see her take on Sam's he's not really wanting to break the deal, he's just going through the motions. Isn't he tired of cleaning up all of Dean's messes & dealing with his fragile broken psyche...shades of the Dream!Sam from WIAWSNB, much? Which temptation of Sam is this?
I loved Sam's insistence that every contract can be broken. It's the lawyer in him...and when he doesn't get the answer he wants, how he guns her down. That my friend is how you leave a calling card for the head honcho in hell. Jesus fuck. Not a bit of second guessing there. No remorse. Just a flat out...okay you want to fuck with mine? I'll me kick your messenger into the well...(whoops, gratuitous homoerotic movie reference!)
Dean was willing to march into hell to bring his father back. I get the feeling Sam's willing to do even more than that to save Dean.
And to sum up? Chemistry trumps Anvils once again. God I love this show.