PSA -- The Great LJ Freakout of 2007

May 29, 2015 19:48

I swear I go out to dinner & everying goes to hell...

Until I've got a better handle on what the heck LJ is up to, I'm locking everything down. If for some reason you want to see something, post here & I'll be happy to friend you back ASAP.


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Comments 14

milly June 17 2007, 05:42:08 UTC
Never has the 'enlighten me' of your comment thing seemed more appropriate, I'm sure. What the hell happened, I totally missed this 'Great LJ Freakout' everyone is talking about?

Also, just wanted to make sure you got my email for the lj layout. And of course, I would love to be friended back *nods*


anonymous September 10 2007, 21:26:49 UTC
your wolf video hungry is great please can I post it on my myspace page at would be happy to post back a link to your lj and credit you the vid. e-mail me permission please


spn_snark October 16 2007, 18:54:08 UTC
Hey - it was nice to meet you last night; I enjoyed the show and the company and hope you all got home safely. I'm friending you - you can friend back (or not; I won't be offended - I hardly ever update). :-D


geminilove_ca November 2 2007, 21:52:07 UTC
Sounds like we have some things in common - friending?


way2busymom November 2 2007, 21:54:06 UTC
Sure! Welcome to the madhouse!


jegie February 11 2008, 02:16:00 UTC
Hiya - don't know if you tape SPN using a DVR but just thought that I would mention that this weeks eppy is listed as a repeat on the Insight/Comcast tv guide. So, it was not scheduled to be taped on our DVR.

I personally was thrilled that I caught this before it was too late. That would've seriously pissed me off.

Anyhoo, I was planning to call Comcast tomorrow to mention this error. But thought I would share in case this has not been corrected.


way2busymom February 11 2008, 02:25:26 UTC
Thanks! I'll make sure it tapes!


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