I'm a bit late on the boat, but I've been glued to the news and it's absolutely breaking my heart. I've been getting a donation together with my family, but I decided it was time to really get off my metaphorical duff and join the rest of fandom in writing for a good cause.
If you don't know,
help_haiti is a fandom-created comm for fans who want to help raise money for the earthquake crisis in Haiti. It's being run auction-style, where people can bid on offers to create fics, art, fanvids, toys, jewelry, crafts, clothing and more.
my thread at the
help_haiti post - I'm offering a minimum of 5,000 words of Arashi fic to the winning bidder, anything you want. The auction ends on January 20, at 12:00PM. All of the money from the winning bid will be donated directly by the bidder to the charity of their choice assisting the earthquake relief.
Also, there is now a masterlist of all Johnny's Entertainment fic writers offering fics over
here, so make sure to take a look over there!
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